Reigniting the Fire of Pride with delfin bautista

An Interactive Zoom Sunday Service with delfin bautista 

Sunday, June 21, 2020, at 11:00am via Zoom.

As the earth moves closer to the Sun on the Solstice, let us use this time to reignite the fires of solidarity, justice, and pride. delfin will explore some of the history and spiritual dimensions of Pride as a way of inviting and challenging others to become accomplices that help spread the flames of equality and justice for all.

We are living in a contradictory moment—we are struggle with the real impacts of racism throughout society while also mourning trans people murdered in the US and around the world while also coping with the impact of an ongoing pandemic while also celebrating the Supreme Court decision affirming employment protections for LGBTQ individuals.

Pride, now more than ever, is a time to rekindle our community to live through this confusing moment and together recommit ourselves to the ongoing, messy journey of celebrating queer individuals now and always.

Join by Phone:  Use your phone to dial either 312-626-6799  or  646-876-9923.
Then, when asked, enter Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153.

Join via Zoom:  If you’ve already download the Zoom app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, simply click on this link to join us:



The Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change analyzes structural and systemic racism and white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism and makes recommendations to advance long-term change. You can access the text of the report for free on This resource will be available free on the UUA website through the end of General Assembly, June 28, 2020.


Great news for the international students!! A fund is now active for anyone to make donations to help international students trapped in Athens without money.

Many thanks to Andy Ray for working so hard to help our Athens area international students. 

OU has approximately 900 international students in town, unable to return home or to work in their planned internships or other positions this summer due to Covid-19. For most of them their visa status makes it illegal to look for work outside their academic program: doing so could result in deportation. OU will not start paying them their stipends again until September (last payments were in April). The Cat’s Cupboard, the OU free pantry for students in Baker Center, is convenient but OU Culinary is running low on their emergency supplies for the Cupboard.

Produce is very much appreciated! See attached lists for other special requests. Current special needs are for peanut butter, canned meats, coconut milk, quinoa, lentils, personal care items (dish soap, deodorant, toothpaste).

Food and produce can be dropped off at the GoBus stop at the lower level of Baker Center Tuesday mornings from 9-12. People should be on the lookout for your arrival. Wear your mask please. If for some reason no one shows up, call 740-593-1800 (Student Affairs).


THE UUFA PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE will next meet on Sunday, July 12th at 7pm via Zoom.  All members are invited to attend.



Sunday, June 28th – We’ll join UUs from across the USA for the big General Assembly Sunday 10am worship service. As soon as that ends, we’ll have a Zoom coffee hour. Next week’s Greensheet will have login links for both the 10am General Assembly UU Service and our own 11am Coffee Hour.

Sunday July 5th – Our UUA General Assembly delegates, Susan and Katie, will report out to use about their experiences and about what was decided at General Assembly.

Sunday July 12th – We’ll be doing a PARKING LOT service outside our UUFA building! Wear a mask, remember the building will be closed, make sure to pee ahead of time, bring coffee and a snack for yourself. Purpose: Simply to be in our space together once again and see each other in three dimensions. There may be singing, from a distance of course.


HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER:  Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet.  Thanks!