by Patrick McGee, March 21, 2020
BULLETIN: For Sunday, March 22nd it *looks* *like* we’ll have services ONLINE via ZOOM with Rev. Rollins at 11am, so please grab a cup of coffee, settle down on your couch, and join Rev. Don Rollins via Zoom. In advance, please download the Zoom app to your computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone, and watch for an email with details.
IMPORTANT for UUFA Members: Please expect an email from Barb soon regarding our annual meeting and fellowship business. Thanks in advance for your response to that email. If we don’t receive a response from you, we’ll try again or contact you by phone or otherwise. Thanks!
New “UUFA Friends March 2020” Facebook Group. Unlike our Facebook page, which is public, this is a private group for UUFA members and friends. If you want to join, let Barb or Wenda know, and we’ll add you.
Contributions from UUFA Children:

Pangly by Rhys
Wisdom from Rhys:
Q- How do you feel about staying home and social distancing?
Rhys- It’s okay for someone like me that is not that social. I like staying home with my mom and playing with my LEGOS, drawing and playing outside. And you should probably add my Kindle. But for someone that is more social it might be hard for them. It’s for the safety of other and so you don’t get sick and accidentally spread it. Pangly – the pangolin/human hybrid, says “Stay home kids, so that you don’t accidentally spread the virus.”

Covid-19, by Oliver

Spread Love, by Lili

Be Creative, by Miles
News from the Barmans
P.S. From Natalie: The Athens County Visitors Bureau has a list of food pantries, free meals and restaurants in the county that are open for take out. Might be helpful for members. https://athensohio.com/blog-posts/available-food-resources-for-covid-19-response/
For SUNDAY EVENING, March 22, 2020: How about try the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship?
Please do visit the online Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship. To visit that church’s main webpage, click here.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship has online worship services that happen every Sunday evening. On that online UU church’s worship webpage, located by clicking here, you’ll see the following information:
“We gather each week in global spiritual community to worship live together. Join us Sundays around 7:45 PM Eastern Time. Worship will start at 8 PM. We are here for you. Click here to RSVP to receive connection info and reminders directly to you via email.”
NOTE: The connection information will arrive within seconds of when you RSVP.