THIS SUNDAY November 17, 2019, Brian Richards will speak on Love. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701
THIS SUNDAY for Our Children: This Sunday, November 17th, Marsha N. will be teaching our children. Her lesson will reach various age levels. There will most likely be a poem, story, questions to ponder or discuss and art activity of some type. New children always welcome. (Thank you, Marsha!)
Spiritual Growth Group Meeting Sunday, November 17th at 7:00 pm. News from Patrick McGee to the 9 UUFA folks who signed up. (Email Patrick ASAP if you want to be added to the group):
We are going to have our first meeting on Sunday, November 17th at my home, starting at 7:00 p.m. and lasting no later than 9:00 p.m. The purpose of the group and our expectations will be discussed. I can envision either a monthly or bi-monthly meeting usually at a members home. Our last group lasted a decade or more and only ended when members were no longer available. Feel free to bring wine or beer if you want. I will provide a light snack, chips or fruit and tea or coffee. We will most likely begin with a 10 minute meditation to allow us to clear our heads. Either way, please let me know if you are coming or not via email at Thank you.
THIS Wednesday, November 13th, 6:30pm Baker Center Ballrooom: Life through Their Lens: Engaging Amish and Mennonite Communities to Tell Their Story, Their Way: Thanks to one of our newest members, Noelle, for finding this event, which likely is of interest to many UUs who might like to learn directly from Amish and Mennonite folks: “Join a discussion and Q&A session about how this group created a platform for the community members to develop their voice and tell their story through their own words and images Presenters will be available for individual conversation during the post-event reception. For more information, contact ”
Our UUFA choir will perform at the Harvest moon Concert proceeds going the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network on Friday, November 22, 2019, 7:00-10:00 pm at Art West with performances by Steve Zarate, Megan Bee, Amethystone and Walk the Ridge. There will be celebrity karaoke performances for peace and justice contest, photo booth, face painting, keg from Jackie and light refreshments. Suggested donation $5-20 at the door.
On Friday evening Dr. Campt will present Connection Trumps Conflict, an interactive talk. This is free and open to the public. A suggested $20 donation at the door is welcome. Saturday, we host an all-day workshop intensive, Dismantling Racism One Conversation at a Time. The fee for the workshop is $65 which includes lunch and materials. A sliding scale is offered.
We are encouraging social justice groups, faith-based organizations, educators, diversity workers and cross-cultural organizations to attend. More info and registration can be found at
Even if you think you are too far to bring a group to the workshop, having a representative attend will give you the opportunity to explore what you might want to bring back to your congregation. Attached is an information packet [UUFA Editor’s Note: the pdf is attached far below]. Please feel free to distribute the information as you are able. We hope to see you in November. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Important links: Registration and information
Facebook event page
Deb Lemire, Co-chair 330-701-6887
FUTURE SUNDAYS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome. The next programming committee meeting is online via Zoom on Friday, December 13th at 6pm. All welcome to participate. To participate, download Zoom and ask us for the Zoom invitation in advance. – Katie, Brian, Susan & Wenda.
Sunday, November 24th: Katie Evans on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Sunday, December 1st: Susan Westenbarger on Gratitude with Attitude
Sunday, December 8th: Rev. Don Rollins (Our UUFA board meeting will be the Friday evening before this Sunday.)
Sunday, December 15th: Yule Service
Sunday, December 22nd: Nate Hayes
CHRISTMAS EVE, December 24th: Our special Christmas Eve service.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!