UUFA Greensheet

UUFA This Week:

Choir has resumed and welcomes singers of all level and voice part high school age and up.  We sing all kinds of music from contemporary songs to classical, songs focusing on social justice and our relationship with the Earth. For folks with kiddos let us know if having childcare provided would make the in you being able to participate or not. Email our Choir Director Megan Cameron at mccpurple@yahoo.com

THIS SUNDAY 11:00am SERVICE & 10:30am Coffee & Community 

animal blessingOctober 7th- Animal Blessing- Join us as we celebrate and bless our furry, scaly or feathery friends. You are invited to bring your friends with you as long as they are are on a leash or safely contained and can handle new people, a new place and other animals. Children will share their animals first, then depart for their RE program. We’ll hold service in the outdoor sanctuary, weather permitting.  (service leader Katie)


Join us for the last of our three-week special Religious Explorations (RE) Unit by Natalie Barman  Sunday Oct 7

Helping Others Have Enough Food.  The children are learning about the needs of people around the world and how the donations to the CROP Hunger Walk help support them. We are restarting the local collection of canned and packages food to be given to the Athens County Food Pantry.

This three-week special unit for children that dovetails with both the September 30th Food Insecurity service for adults, and the October 7th Crop Hunger Walk for families. New children and new families are most welcome to participate. The photo is of Natalie sprucing up our bulletin board during our work day last weekend.


CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by religious groups, businesses, schools and others to raise funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.  UUFA has been involved in the CROP Hunger Walk for a number of years.  We hope that families will join the walk together.  You may walk as far or little as you want.  Kids, of all ages, can ride bikes, scooters or roller skate.  Text 740-818-1845 to ask for a higher resolution copy of the flyer. (WordPress chops out pixels, apparently.)


October 14th -“Looking Higher” by Rev. Don Rollins.  For most of us mortals, figuring out what’s important to us is an ongoing challenge. And then things change. Don will offer some thoughts on how resetting our “sight lines” turns out to be an ongoing spiritual discipline. The service will include some information on how UUFA friends might become members of the fellowship. We’ll also have our usual Second Sunday Potluck right after the service. Please bring a dish to share.

October 21st – Drums & Masks: All Hallows Eve.  Our Religious Explorations children and adults will guide us in this musical, rhythmic, and artistic adventure. If you have a drum, you’re welcome and encouraged to bring it along. We’ll be making personalized masks for ourselves in this intergenerational extravaganza, which will include displays of our children’s many talents. Stay tuned for more information as our planning continues. (Service leader Wenda)

October 28th – Samhain. Today we’ll enjoy our annual Earth-centered ceremony in remembrance of those who have passed the veil into the Mystery. Members, friends, guests, and visitors are encouraged to bring photos and share stories about loved ones who have passed. (Service leader Roberta)

November 4th – The Revolutionary Dr. Jé R. Hooper BFA., Pratt Institute ‘07 MPS., Pratt Institute ‘10 M.Th., Union Theological Seminary ‘15 D.Min., New Seminary School of Interfaith ‘17 Ph.D Candidate, Ohio University will grace us with his presence. Jé R. Hooper is the founder of FrequencyHouse Productions, Upcoming Ethical Leader and a recent, Ph.D Interdisciplinary Arts candidate at Ohio University. His work promotes the intersections of art, justice, and religious ethics in efforts to obtain social equity. As a clergy person, he skillfully engages congregations in trans-linguisticism, performative preaching, and affect theory involving onomatopoeic communication. He is best known for his recent works, entitled “Moving Upon the Face of the Deep” featuring Dr. Cornel West, “The Black Sacred Communion” within Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture and the latest collaboration with his life partner, Storäe Michele, “the listening heart.” He is finalizing his film, “Humanitas: A Conscious Coloring of Kindness” which partially funded by the Mossler Fellowship. In the past year, Dr. Hooper has spent many weekends flying around the USA at the invitation of Ethical Culture congregations….we’re lucky he’s committed to staying in Athens and joining us November 4th. Title of his talk coming soon. (service leader Wenda)


This week we thank all members and friends who showed up to the work day last Saturday:  Roberta, Jessie, Patrick, Barb, Linda, Wenda, Richard, Natalie, Charlie, Fred, Aaron, and also Sue and Don who brought donut holes!  (Don said he ate the donuts first before giving us the holes.)  We now have thirteen chairs completely painted and re-upholstered for the Plogholf room,  we have trees protected by tree cages, we have benches bleached and weeds whacked and leaves blown, we have bulletin boards decorated, we have RE plans made, and we have hints that something happened on the roof as well because tell-tale signs told us that Fred and his tools were up there even before the work day started. A successful day, indeed!


All are welcome to attend the next UUFA joint Religious Explorations & Programming Committee meeting, The meeting will be ONLINE on the SECOND Thursday of October, October 11th.  Join us at 7pm via ZOOM. Email wendasheard@yahoo.com in advance for the Zoom log-in info. The Religious Explorations & Programming Committee intends to alternate in-person and online Zoom meetings. So far this joint committee has three committed members, and several others who offer suggestions and help now and then. Please let us know if you’re willing to join this joint committee, or willing to offer suggestions and help now and then. Thank you!


All are welcome to attend our next UUFA Board Meeting on tzhe weekend of October 12th-14th when Rev Don Rollins is with us. Stay tuned for exact day and time.


(A column about how our efforts, our pledges, our building, and our donations support the wider community—submissions welcome!)  Many thanks to all you UUFA members and friends who donate to the Athens County Food Pantry, whether on a regular or irregular basis. Your donations mean a lot to those who receive them. To everyone, please send your Greensheet editor more information about how our efforts, our pledges, our building, and our donations support the wider community. Thanks!


We now have suggested language from financial planner Mike Carpenter that the UUFA Board will review, and then possibly share here about how to donate to the UUFA in novel ways, including by stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and legacies.  Stay tuned for more information.


Our parking lot used to be *two* levels….an “in” level and and “out” level. Many thanks to Jessie Roberson for using his legal skills to obtain a variance from the City of Athens so we could expand our parking lot and make it one level, and thanks to all fellowship members who contributed to the massive fundraising effort that made the parking lot improvements possible circa 2012 (exact date unknown, but it was definitely between 2010 and 2014).


Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: noon on Tuesday. Thanks!

FROM OUR BULLETIN BOARD—–Saturday October 6th: 

Our very own Fred Snell is inviting folks to his home for a Solar Open House as part of a larger effort. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 6th, 10am-1pm. Thank you, Fred!