WALTZ CLASS On THIS Friday, October 25th at 6 p.m. at the fellowship. Offered by Lois Gladchild. Though individuals will need to choose to either learn to lead or to follow, there will be no sex or gender assignments to those roles. You do not need to bring a partner. (We will work around the turnout that we have.) This is intended to be a light-hearted class with the goal of learning to joyfully move to music while communicating with your dance partner. It would be helpful to know about how many folks will be there, so if you’d RSVP to Lois via email at GLADCHILDL@gmail.com, it would be good, but not required. If you have questions, please contact Lois via email or telephone or speak with her at fellowship meetings. It’s best if your feet can slide on the floor. So please either wear leather soled shoes, or heavy socks.
THIS SUNDAY October 27, 2019, Samhain Service: Please join us this Sunday, October 27 at 11:00 am for our annual service where we remember our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on. If you are inspired to bring a photo of your loved one to place on the Samhain tree please do so. We will discuss the meaning of Samhain which is an ancient Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 31 October to 1 November, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. This is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. We hope you can join us. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701
Saturday Nov. 2nd: UU Money Mythbusters Stewardship Conference in Erie, PA:
- The fabulous Elizabeth Terry’s keynote will inspire and energize your stewardship team and other leaders
- Have lunch with folx from other congregations with similar roles
- Send members of your team to each of the helpful workshops:
- training canvassers (for your stewardship team)
- stewardship as part of the path to membership (for your membership team)
- changing culture around money (for ministers and board members)
- communicating about finances (for treasurers, bookkeepers and finance committee members)
- Hear stories of successful stewardship experiences from other congregational leaders of various-sized churches (>70, 120, 500+)
- Help us help you!
We’ve created a discount structure to make it easy to send a team. We’re hosting this in Erie, PA because of its central location for the western/northern part of our region. And we are offering a later start-time (10am) to give you more driving time in the morning. 😊 Registration is $35 per person, or $100 per congregational teams of 4 or more members. All participants must register, but only one person needs to pay for the team. See the registration form for details. Register Now Deadline for registration is October 30, 2019. Childcare is available for $20 per child and must be requested by October 20th. Please indicate your need for childcare on the registration form. Website: https://www.uua.org/central-east/events/region/money-mythbusters-stewardship-conference In faith and service, Rev. Renée Ruchotzke (ruh-HUT-skee) | Congregational Life Staff | Central East Region Phone/Text (330) 554-0828 | rruchotzke@uua.org | Zoom vitalleaders | Twitter @vitalleaders
Saturday Nov. 9th, UUJO ANNUAL MEETING: Dear Ones, I have registered to attend the UU Justice Ohio annual meeting in Delaware (north of Columbus) on Saturday, Nov. 9. It’s an all-day event and I’d LOVE to have a traveling companion and another UUFA-er at the meeting. Please let me know if you’re interested, or go ahead and register at this link: https://www.uujo.org/2019-uujo-ann-assembly Susan Westenbarger suusanw.uu@gmail.com 240-305-0860 (pronouns: she/her)
On Friday evening Dr. Campt will present Connection Trumps Conflict, an interactive talk. This is free and open to the public. A suggested $20 donation at the door is welcome. Saturday, we host an all-day workshop intensive, Dismantling Racism One Conversation at a Time. The fee for the workshop is $65 which includes lunch and materials. A sliding scale is offered.
We are encouraging social justice groups, faith-based organizations, educators, diversity workers and cross-cultural organizations to attend. More info and registration can be found at www.uurjtf.org.
Even if you think you are too far to bring a group to the workshop, having a representative attend will give you the opportunity to explore what you might want to bring back to your congregation. Attached is an information packet [UUFA Editor’s Note: the pdf is attached far below]. Please feel free to distribute the information as you are able. We hope to see you in November. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Important links: Registration and information www.uurjtf.org
Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/383125495930329/
Deb Lemire, Co-chair 330-701-6887
The Common Read Selection Committee is pleased to announce that An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (Beacon Press, 2015) and An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States for Young People adapted by Jean Mendoza and Debbie Reese (Beacon Press, 2019) are the new Common Read.
In 2015, Beacon Press published an extraordinary book by Indigenous scholar and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz that challenged readers to learn US history through a narrative that centers the story, the experiences, and the perspectives of Indigenous peoples. In 2019, Beacon Press published an adaptation for young people by Jean Mendoza and Debbie Reese. Upending myths and misinformation that have been promulgated by leaders and media, it asks readers to reconsider the origin story of the United States taught to every US school child.
In 2020, our nation will approach the 400th anniversary of the much-mythologized encounter at Plymouth between colonists and those native to the land, and our own General Assembly 2020, in Providence, RI, will speak to the truths that contradict the mythology. At the same time, movements in response to global and local environmental emergencies, many involving UUs, are increasingly recognizing the connection between Indigenous rights and climate justice. This Common Read invites UU congregations, communities, and individuals to learn the story of trauma and resilience that is the Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States.
FUTURE SUNDAYS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome. The next programming committee meeting is online via Zoom on Friday, November 8th at 6pm. All welcome to participate. To participate, download Zoom and ask us for the Zoom invitation in advance. – Katie, Brian, Susan & Wenda.
Sunday, November 3rd: delfin bautista
Sunday, November 10th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, November 17th: Brian Richards on Love
Sunday, November 24th: Katie Evans on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Sunday, December 1st: Susan Westenbarger on Gratitude with Attitude
Sunday, December 8th: Rev. Don Rollins
Sunday, December 15th: Yule Service
Sunday, December 22nd: Nate Hayes
CHRISTMAS EVE, December 24th: Our special Christmas Eve service.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER: Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!