Samhain – We Remember Them

THIS SUNDAY November 1, 2020, 11am EDT by Zoom
Samhain – We Remember Them 

Please join us as we honor our ancestors. It is our tradition at UUFA to honor our loved ones and ancestors who have passed on during our annual Samhain service. We cherish our memory of them and keep them alive in our hearts by remembering them. The Celtic celebration of Samhain involved giving thanks for the final harvest and preparing to usher in the dark half of the year. Traditional Samhain observations included lighting bonfires, gourds and later pumpkins to ward away unwanted spirits and provide light for the long winter. Please join us this year for a virtual service and we invite you to bring a photo of your loved one(s) and share with us a few of your memories of them during our service. 

NOTE: There’s a special Zoom set up for this Sunday. It’s not our usual Zoom login. We’ll revert to the usual Zoom login next Sunday.  

Unitarian Universalist is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Honoring our Ancestors  –  UUFA Annual Samhain service
Time: Nov 1, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 6818 5050
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Meeting ID: 817 6818 5050
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We elected new board members, adopted a new budget, voted to continue our UUA Welcoming Congregation commitment, and amended our bylaws. Thanks to the quorum plus of people who attended. The new leadership team will serve January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, in order to realign us with our July-June fiscal year. Congratulations to all elected and to all continuing to serve UUFA: Susan, Katie, Brian, Andy, Jessie, Roberta, Richard, Marilyn, Barb, Robin, Jackie, Wenda, Fred S. and Patrick. Thanks, too, to Rev. Don Rollins all his efforts.


TUESDAY: “TIME OUT TUESDAYS”  Looking for some midweek “vespers” time with UUFA folks? Ready to do some reflecting and sharing? Join Rev. Don Rollins every other Tuesday. The next one is TUESDAY November 10th, at 7:00 PM, to see familiar faces and relax a bit.   

TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join by Phone:  Use your phone to dial either 312 626 6799  or  646 876 9923. Then, when asked, enter meeting ID: 827 9379 7593   OR cut & paste this whole string of numbers, a couple of commas, and an ending number symbol into your phone and it’ll dial all that automagically: +13017158592,,82793797593#

TIME OUT TUESDAYS Join via Zoom:  If you’ve already download the Zoom app, then simply click on this link to join us:

will be on Saturday November 14th at 2pm via Zoom. That meeting will focus on finance. All members are invited to attend. Contact a board member for Zoom login information.


THE UUFA PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE will meet Sunday, November 8th at 7pm via Zoom. All members are invited to attend. Future Sundays below, subject to change. Contact Wenda, Katie, Susan, Brian, or Barb for Zoom login info. 

Nov. 8th – Rev. Don Rollins

Nov. 15th – Festival of Lights

Nov. 22nd – TBA Thanksgiving


HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER:  Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!