Our Spiritual Ego

Come join our Service this Sunday, December 11th, 11am by Zoom or in person wearing an N95 or KN95 mask.

Our Spiritual Ego

Your ego has a tendency to expand, to seek out and increase the opportunities to feel good about yourself. The tendency to have more “feel good” moments also applies to one’s spiritual beliefs and practices. To many people, it feels good to know they are among God’s chosen, or that their beliefs guarantee them a heavenly reward after death. It can also feel good to know, who is not among the chosen, who needs conversion, sympathy, enslavement, or punishment for not sharing one’s beliefs.

This Sunday, Richard T. will present a series of words and pictures and ask those in attendance to imagine how the pictures and words could effect the spiritual ego.

MASK NOTES: Our board is still requiring KN95 or N95 masks (NO FABRIC MASKS, and no surgical masks, either) of folks entering the building for Sunday services. We have many folks who truly appreciate us flipping the “usual narrative.” Usually Zoom is for those who are at risk where in-person places are not safe for them. At the fellowship, we’re doing Zoom for anyone who doesn’t want to wear a nk95 or n95 mask thus keeping the fellowship safe for the most vulnerable. We do, however, allow our presenters to unmask when speaking in the front of the fellowship if they wish.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
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The UUFA’s board met via Zoom on Saturday December 10. The board discussed the UUFA’s strategic plan in the need to prioritize items in it. Top on our list is increasing in the use of the building. It is hoped that as the use of the building increases so will interest in the fellowship.

The board also discussed having a capital campaign to fund improvements needed to increase handicap accessibility in the building. Further discussion of a possible capital campaign will happen at the next board meeting.

The board thanks all participants and organizers of the online and in person auction. All board members appreciated our auction partnership with UCM and felt like we should try it again soon.

If you have any questions you would like the board to consider please contact Richard at rthieret@gmail.com. The next board meeting Jan 14th 10:30 am by Zoom.


Many thanks to members of our newly forming Pagan Group for being willing to do a Winter Solstice Service for us at 11am on Sunday, December 18th.  Stay tuned for more information in next week’s Greensheet newsletter.



YES! We will have a Christmas Eve service this year, complete with carol-singing, music, and more, thanks to Barb Harrison and others. Stay tuned for details in an upcoming Greensheet and on our Facebook page and website.



YES! We will have a New Year’s Eve service this year, 7-9pm, with drumming and more, thanks to Patrick McGee and others. Stay tuned for details in an upcoming Greensheet and on our Facebook page and website.

Yes, you can drum with us, and then leave to attend other New Year’s Eve festivities! Double-fun for the evening!



The next UUFA board meeting will be SATURDAY January 14th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.


The next UUFA programming meeting will be Sunday, January 15th at 1pm by Zoom. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.