Sea Change, Not Slow Change: Transforming Culture in Spiritual and Public Life Sunday, January 23rd, 11am
EXCLUSIVELY BY ZOOM, due to parking lot with 8″ of snow and more coming.
Join us as we explore the highlights and themes from the Fall 2021 issue of the UU World. UU World is the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association, celebrating liberal religion and the people it inspires. Led by Katie.
Quick Zoom link:
The issue can be read online here:
Because our parking lot is still full of snow and more snow is forecast for Sunday evening, we’ll be exclusively on Zoom again, unfortunately, which is probably a good decision because Athens County’s active COVID-19 case numbers have never been higher…just with known cases, 4.9% of our county’s population is currently in the “active case” category.
The Complete Zoom invitation is far below, especially for those who wish to log in by telephone.
NEWS from Ohio UU Justice Committee:
Connecting the Dots: Women’s Health & Environmental Justice
Appalachian women are being forced to carry an unreasonable and dangerous burden for the environmental recklessness of oil and gas producing businesses, legal regulators, and legislators. Pollutants from the fracking industry affect women in unique and serious ways. Current State and Federal regulations designed to protect the public from environmental harm are either ineffective or not enforced.
Join Dr. Peggy Ann Berry, PhD, RN, COHN-S, CLE, PLNC, FAAOHN on Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time to learn about the health risks to Appalachian women that are being ignored by regional leaders charged with protecting and preserving women’s health. Dr. Berry has been a leader in identifying and providing solutions for women in Appalachia who are in the crossfire of business driven pollution, and Appalachia’s dirty economic reality.
Register for the Zoom meeting here:
The UUFA Annual Meeting will be Sunday April 10th following the Service.
NOTES from the Saturday, January 8, 2022
UUFA Board Meeting
After our President-Elect Katie E.’s recent move out of Athens, the UUFA Board appointed Richard Thieret to the position of President-Elect.
The Board is busy revising our mission and vision statements. If you have an interested in assisting with those efforts, please let Susan W., our current UUFA President know by emailing
The Board is also busy preparing our budget for the next church year. The 2021 tax statements for members will go out soon. Members will soon receive pledge forms so the board can plan for the next church year.
The Complete Zoom Invitation for Sunday, January 16th at 11am, especially for those who want to log in by telephone:
UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Unitarian Universalist’s Sunday Service
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
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