UUFA – This Sunday: Rev. Don Rollins & Water Communion & Potluck

Tonight! Our regular Tuesday UUFA Choir Rehearsal. Newcomers welcome 7pm.  Choir Director: Megan Cameron

Tomorrow! The 9-11 Interfaith Peace Walk Our UU Principles compel us towards social action as well as interfaith activism. Join UUFA members on Wednesday, September 11th at 7pm promptly at the Church of the Good Shepherd, when for the ninth year, UUFA and a host of co-sponsoring organizations and faith communities will start their peace walk mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by embodying another, more inclusive and collaborative way of being community.  We’ll walk through campus and uptown and end with candlelight and song (including some songs performed by and/or led by the Athens Justice Choir) at the Islamic Center on Stewart Street.

SUNDAY September 15, 2019 – Our Ingathering/Water Communion Service will be held this Sunday, so please bring water from your summer travels and outings to share at this first service of the new fellowship year. Our Rev. Don Rollins will lead the service. Potluck to follow the service. Coffee 10:30am, Service 11:00am,  POTLUCK at noon, LEADERSHIP MEETING at 1pm. 184 Longview Heights Road, Athens, Ohio 45701

UUFA Leadership Meeting: We will hold our fall leadership start-up meeting this Sunday, September 15th from 1-3 pm with Rev. Don Rollins. This meeting will include all leaders of UUFA. As always, all meetings are open to all members of the fellowship community.

Athens CROP Hunger Walk – Sunday, October 6
2:00-4:00 pm -The Athens County Food Pantry (528 Richland Ave) will be open for you to see how your monetary or packaged donations are used.
2:00-4:00 pm – Meet at the OU Peden Parking Lot by the Bike Path to walk, sit, and visit with friends.
There will be also activities for children and ice cream for all.
Donations made out to CWS/CROP will be accepted by Natalie Barman at UUFA or at a table by Peden on the Bike Path or online via the CROP Hunger Walk’s “Team UUFA” webpage that has been set up to collect donations to the CROP Hunger Walk on behalf of our fellowship.

From UU Justice Ohio – Wednesday, September 18th in Columbus  – Do Something: End Gun Violence Now

Join De-Escalate Ohio Now, UU Justice Ohio and 23 other organizations from across the state as we march and rally on Sept. 18th to demand that our Ohio Legislators “Do Something” and end gun violence.

We will bring a list of sensible gun safety laws to the legislators and demand these be brought up for vote in the Statehouse.

12:00 – Gather at Columbus Commons, 160 S High St.

12:30 – Step-off time for a short march to the Statehouse

1:00-2:30 – Rally on the Statehouse West Plaza and hear stories from families of gun violence victims

2:30 – Silent Witness/Prayer time at the Statehouse.  Legislators are invited to join us. Clergy are invited to wear stoles/collars.

Please bring a group from your congregation or organization.  And please consider helping us cover the cost of the sound system, Statehouse plaza rental, chairs for those that need them, flyers, and more.  A donation link and more information can be found at  www.uujo.org.   Or send a check to UUJO-March, PO Box 980, Worthington, OH  43085


Joan Van Becelaere

(Pronouns: she/her)

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere|  Executive Director | Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio


FUTURE SUNDAYS – Subject to change—your ideas welcome!

Sunday, September 22nd: Mabon with Roberta & Barb

Sunday, September 29th: Noelle Stroud & TBA (Re: Areas of Passion & New Ideas)

Sunday, October 6th: TBA Guest Speaker?

Sunday, October 13th: POTLUCK & Rev. Don Rollins

Sunday, October 20th: Andy Ray & Music

Sunday, October 27th: Samhain with Roberta & Barb

Sunday, November 3rd: TBA Guest Speaker?

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THIS GREENSHEET NEWSLETTER:  Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!