Stories of “Good” Failures 

Stories of “Good” Failures 
Sunday, January 9th

We invite you to come and share a story of a failure, that in retrospect was a blessing. Many of us struggle with the idea that failure is ok, so please join us for story time.

Programming Committee Note: Due to the current pandemic surge, and due to the discussion format of this Sunday, which format will happen better if we’re all in the same dimensional format (all 2D on Zoom or all 3D in person), this Sunday,  January 9, 2022, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens will once again be by Zoom at 11am:

The Complete Zoom invitation is far below, especially for those who wish to log in by telephone.


The UUFA Annual Meeting will be Sunday April 10th following the Service.


NOTES from the Saturday, January, 2022
UUFA Board Meeting

After our President-Elect Katie E.’s recent move out of Athens, the UUFA Board appointed Richard Thieret to the position of President-Elect. 

The Board is busy revising our mission and vision statements. If you have an interested in assisting with those efforts, please let Susan W., our current UUFA President know by emailing

The Board is also busy preparing our budget for the next church year. The 2021 tax statements for members will go out soon. Members will soon receive pledge forms so the board can plan for the next church year. 


The Complete Zoom Invitation for Sunday, January 9th at 11am, especially for those who want to log in by telephone:

UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Unitarian Universalist’s Sunday Service
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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