This Sunday is a 7pm EVENING SERVICE for Samhain

We will have NO morning service on October 30th. Instead, come join our 7pm evening Samhain Service in person wearing an N95 or KN95 mask, and reading ALL the information below in advance so you know what else to bring and what to think about in advance. Thank you! (Notes: NO fabric masks allowed, and NO surgical masks allowed. There will be no Zoom option for this special evening service.)

The Masque and the Mirror:
An Evening Event

In their search for meaning, as the dark nights of winter approached, the Ancients would enter caves or holy groves in the forests, which places symbolized the sacred womb. Whether lit by candles or torchlight, bonfire or starlight, the Ancients recognized the need to connect to the magic of the world.

On Sunday evening October 30th, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens invite you to join us on a journey. This is a participatory event. It is a moment in time which will never be repeated and offers you an opportunity to turn inward to answer the three questions which the Fates present.

Before arriving, take a moment to make three choices:

1. Wear an item of clothing or jewelry which has a special meaning for you. (If given as a gift, it may allow you to remember the giver.)
2. Bring a token which symbolizes where you are in life to be placed in the cauldron as an offering. (You may recover the item afterwards if you wish, however we recommend being willing to part with it.)
3. Consider the question of “what do you love most?” The significance of your journey will be enhanced by the effort which you make in choosing your answers beforehand. We recommend taking some quiet time to yourself for this.
What else to bring besides an N95 or KN95 mask and a wearable item of meaning, and a token symbolizing where you are in life?

1. We ask that you bring a candle for each person in a glass holder so that when it is lit there will be no wax spilt on the floor.
2. You may also wish to bring a rattle or percussion instrument to raise energy when appropriate.
A guided meditation will be offered which will open the three doors of past, present, and future. Consider your past, and remember those who have nurtured you and who have provided you with protection and guidance.The past is a memory which should not be forgotten.Take a moment to renew those memories before the evening.The present is a moment which should be understood, and the future may be a path leading to your destination. After the meditation you will have an opportunity to voice your impressions or concerns should you decide to share.
The event starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. and will last an hour. We ask that you be prompt so as to not disturb others once the journey begins. We welcome guests to this event and hope that you will consider joining the UU Fellowship at some time in the future.

Any donation to the Fellowship is appreciated, but there is no charge to attend this event.

You do not have to be of any particular religious or spiritual inclination to participate. Although Halloween or Samhain is the traditional time when it is believed that “the doors between the worlds” are open, you may believe what you wish. We ask only that you suppress your skepticism and see this as an opportunity to find meaning in your life.

We hope that you will spread news of this opportunity to your friends, and we hope to see you on the night of the 30th.

Service Leaders: Patrick M., Alyssa, and Robert.



“Our Fall Flex for 4 Million leverages the power of our national, state, and local networks to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate in critical ballot measures and combat the voter suppression laws that have made it more difficult for people to vote. We’re hosting events across the country to engage and mobilize voters in key states. Together with our UU State Action Networks and frontline partners, we’re knocking on doors, hosting rallies, calling voters, and doing everything to reach 4 million voters before Election Day!”

To help, visit:


UCM & UUFA Fun Raising Auction

Do you have a closet filled with items needing a new home? Handcrafted items you want to send charitably into the world?  Want to buy gift items whilst simultaneously supporting two local non-profit institutions?

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens
& UCM Center: For Spiritual Growth & Social Justice

Time and date:  6:30-8:30 pm, Sunday, December 4th, 2022

Admission: 5$ donation at door

Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, 184 Longview Heights, Athens, Ohio

Description of auction items sought and sold:
Items from your home needing a good home
Handmade items
Plants, garden products
Food, if sealed/covered

How to Donate:
Drop off at the UUFA on Sundays: Nov 6, Nov 13, Nov 20, Nov 27 from 10:30am to 12:00am.
Drop off at UCM on ?? (Details TBA)
Ask for pick up, by texting Richard Thieret (Board president of UUFA) at 740-818-4775 or Barbara Harrison (Board President of UCM Center)
Please tag you item with your name and description of item.

Covid Precautions:  KN95 or N95 masks required inside building.  

Plan B: Cancellation of the auction is possible due to Covid or inclement weather. Should a covid outbreak or inclement weather stop the auction. A cancellation will be announced on the UUFA, or UCM facebook page on Saturday December 3rd.  You can text Richard Thieret to find our status of auction at 740-818-4775

Items not sold will not be returned to the donor, though the donor may pick them up themselves at end of auction.  Items not sold will dispersed in a charitable manner.

Handicap accessibility:  Unfortunately the UUFA does not have wheel chair accessible bathrooms. (bathrooms are downstairs) 

Food & Drink: Will not be provided inside, as attendees are expected to remain masked.


Essentials for Lay-Led Congregations

image of spice jars with labels - Worship, pastoral care leadership, families, staffing

Is your congregation operating without a professionally-trained minister? Your UUA Congregational Life Staff is offering a program this Fall just for you: Essentials for Lay-Led Congregations.

The program includes an email subscription to a newsletter (full of helpful tips, tools, training opportunities, and other resources), and admission to the December 10, 2022 Lay Led Congregation Convergence. There you will get to connect with leaders from other lay-led congregations.

Cost is sliding scale – $20-30-40 if you are part of a congregational team; $30-40-50 if you are the only person participating from your congregation. Registration fees are on a sliding scale, based on your assessment of your ability to pay. Those who pay at the highest level are making a donation to help those in financial need for this event. Please remember that for a sliding scale to work, we need the same number of people with means to generously pay more to balance the needs of those who can afford less.
Register Now.
Registration deadline is December 2.



The next UUFA board meeting will be SATURDAY November 12th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.



The next UUFA programming meeting will be Sunday, November 13th at 1pm by Zoom. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.