Present: Patrick Gordon, Wenda Sheard, Fred Snell, and by conference call Fred Woodley. Absent: David May, Kate Mitchell.
Also in attendance: Barb Harrison
Quorum determined—(We have 2/3rd of our at-large members).
Motion to approve minutes of July 8th board meeting by Wenda, seconded by Patrick, unanamously approved.
RE person Wenda read her minutes of the July 9, 2017 RE meeting. Next meeting August 13th at 12:45pm. The 2017-2018 RE program will begin officially on September 24th. Until then, we need volunteers, or we need to hire someone, to do childcare. We’ll be asking for help every Sunday before the service. Any volunteers?
Sexton Fred reported on August 17th 7pm facility team meeing with Natalie Barman and Byan Richards. Resealing the deck finished as much as possible, bill was $435 for supplies and rental equipment. $100 or so for downspout repair expenses. Fred and his helpers completed the boundary determinations as best he could in order to delineate our perimeter. The next key agaenda item for facilities is begin working on office.
Wenda and Patrick to put out a newsletter today after the meeting. Instantaneously.
We tabled the idea of a recorder for now. Need to announce to everyone that we need a recorder.
Budget Sugggestions by Patrick:
$2000 for Choir Director (programming) $3000 for RE and $4000 for Facilities.
The board has been talking about allocating $2,000 to hire a choir director in order to bring more music into our Sunday services, to bring former members who loved singing in our choir years ago back into our fellowship, and to attract new people to the UUFA. The board voted to advertise now for a choir director, contingent on a budget reallocation vote at the September board meeting.
Wenda moves to go ahead and advertise for a choir director position contingent on a board vote in September to allocate $2,000 for that position. Fred S. seconds. Passed unanimously.
Barbara Harrison volunteered to write up a job description for the choir director position.
Fred W. moves to reallocate $4,000 from the ministerial budget to the facilities budget. Wenda seconded. Passed unanimously.
We tabled discussion of the choir director budget line, and additional funds for RE until our September meeting.
Patrick passed out a “Group Details” from Elvanto showing us all our commitees, their leaders, and their members. Leaders and meeting times include:
Committee on Ministry: Barb Harrison (1st Sunday at 9:30am)
Communications Committee: Vacant – Any Volunteers?
Endowment Committee: Don Shamblin
Executive Committee: Patrick Gordon (2nd Sunday at 9:30am)
Facilities Committee: Frederick Snell (Every two months on 3rd Thursday at 7pm)
Finance Committee: Kate Mitchell (Every three months on the 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm)
Membership Committee: Amber Miller
Programming Committee: Roberta Roberson (Every month on the 1st Tuesday at 7pm)
RE Committee: Wenda Sheard (For now: Second Sundays at 12:45pm)
Social Action Committee: Vacant – Any Volunteers?
Fred W. moved to accept Amber, Roberta, and Wenda as leaders of their committees for 2017-2018. Fred. S. seconded. Passed.
Fred S. moved that UUFA sponsor the Peace March with UCM on Monday September 11th at 7pm, but without voting on any monetary sponsorship until our September meeting. Fred W. seconded. Passed unanimously.
Wenda moves that our Exec Meetings will be second Sunday at 9:30am. Fred. S. seconded. Passed unanimously.
Fred S. moved to adjourn. Fred W. seconded. Passed unanimously.