UUFA Greensheet

EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 21, 2019: Music Sunday & Easter Egg Hunt. All are welcome to come enjoy our fellowship of music, including our choir, favorite hymns, and more. An Easter Egg Hunt for the children will follow.  Coffee at 10:30; Service at 11:00.

We’re still accepting pledge forms. All pledges are greatly appreciated. Pledge forms are available at fellowship and one is attached to this newsletter far below.  Thank you to all who attended our UUFA annual meeting last Sunday. We hope to include a full report in next-week’s Greensheet. Congratulations and many thanks to all newly elected board members and committee members.

OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – On Sunday April 21th the children will learn about Easter, and decorate paper bags for collecting Easter Eggs after the service. A few of the older children will play the crucial role of Easter Bunny with a few of our adults this Sunday. You’re most welcome to bring additional children and additional real, edible Easter Eggs for hiding. We’re hoping for a big crowd.

Our ZERO-WASTE, PLASTIC-FREE Easter Egg Hunt:  Please note…in keeping with our 7th Principle, our Easter Egg Hunt will be a zero-waste, plastic-free Easter Egg Hunt. We’re hiding only real eggs, dressed in their Easter finest colors. The children decorated dozens of eggs last Sunday in preparation, but of course, if you bring additional children, we could certainly use more eggs.

TODAY: Jé Hooper, who spoke with us last month about being a black unicorn, is showing his film, Humanitas: A Conscious Coloring of Kindness, at the Athena Cinema TODAY at 5pm. The film premiered in New York and Los Angeles. Following the film will be a talk back with the director. The showing is sponsored by Ohio University’s College of Fine Arts, School of Interdisciplinary Arts. For more information about the film and its relationship with American Ethical Union, as well as a trailer of the film, see https://aeu.org/event/humanitas-a-conscious-coloring-of-kindness/

THIS FRIDAY: PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE MEETING:  It’ll be an online ZOOM held on Good Friday, April 19th at 6pm. All members and friends are most welcome to join us. We welcome your ideas for programming in the coming months. To join the meeting, download the ZOOM app, and email wendasheard@yahoo.com for the log-in information.

OUR UUFA CHOIR:  Our choir rehearses most Tuesdays, and plans to sing at our April 21st and 28th services. New members welcome.

Athens County Food Pantry Publishes a Recipe Booklet to Help Fight Hunger  This new recipe booklet is now a free digital bonus when people sign up for the Athens County Food Pantry’s e-mail newsletter on the Food Pantry’s website (https://athenscountyfoodpantry.org/).  Individuals who donate $50 or more to the Food Pantry (ACFP, 9 N. College St., Athens, OH, 45701) will receive a free printed copy of the booklet. For your convenience, Charlie Barman has volunteered to deliver your checks written out to the Athens Food Pantry.

The Earth Justice Network of environmental committees from various Athens area churches is encouraging us to publish a weekly green tip in our “Greensheet” newsletter. Here’s another green tip, from https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/green-tips:
“US consumers spend up to 10,000 times more per gallon for bottled water than for tap water”

TIME TO BECOME A MEMBER? If you’ve been thinking it might be time to deepen your relationship with UUFA, please plan to sit with our minister, Rev. Don Rollins during our next Sunday potluck on April 14th. He’s planning to welcome newcomers at our potluck Sundays. You can contact him via:  donaldlrollins@gmail.com or 740-988-7834


April 28th – Beltane/May Day Service led by Katie Evans

May 5th – Athens Mayor Steve Patterson will speak with us.

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!

[pdf-embedder url=”http://uuathensoh.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-UUFA-Pledge-Form-CCI19032019.jpg.pdf” title=”2019 UUFA Pledge Form CCI19032019.jpg”]