UUFA Greensheet

TODAY, TUESDAY 7PM  – Choir Rehearsal.  Note well: Next week on Monday December 17th, Choir Rehearsal will happen that day, instead of on Tuesday. 

THIS SUNDAY 11am Service  10:30 Coffee  December 16th – Yule Intergenerational Service Join us in celebrating Yule, also known as Winter Solstice. We’ll learn a little about the history of the celebration and join our children in a craft. Service leader: Katie Evans.

THIS SUNDAY Religious Explorations for Children 11am

Dec 16 – Intergenerational Yule Service upstairs, with lots of holiday decorating by folks of all ages.
(Dec 23 – There is no Sunday morning service today, because we’ll all meet on Christmas Eve instead.)
Dec 24 – Christmas Eve Family Service Upstairs, including a performance by the UUFA Choir.

Dec 30 – Looking Ahead to a New Year. The children will think about what they really liked about RE in the past and brainstorm what they would like to do in the coming months.

AN INVITATION: Potluck, poetry, percussion and UU people. Saturday, December, 29, 2018, 4pm at Restoration Acres, in Rutland, Meigs County, Ohio. (Marsha and John Nagy’s Farm). Marsha is inviting all of us UUFA people to share a dish, a poem and the beat as we gather together. Carpooling is encouraged. Marsha’s address and directions will be posted on the UU bulletin board this coming Sunday 12/16. Call or email Marsha for her address and directions if you prefer.
NOTE: You can always email your Greensheet editor at wendasheard@yahoo.com for help accessing members’ phone numbers and emails via our members-only online place fondly known as “Elvanto.”
UUFA Sanctuary

SAVE THE DATE!  SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9th, 6-9pm for “Warm Up Your Winter”   Make sure you’ll be available for a Saturday evening extravaganza at the UUFA Fellowship with a spaghetti/salad/broccoli dinner (with gf and veggie options) and more, including extra humor and live music. Stay tuned for more information. Those involved include Richard Thieret, Wenda Sheard, Rev. Don Rollins, Brian Richards, and more.

JOYS AND SORROWS It’s a joy that Marsha Nagy is inviting us to her home for a post-Christmas event.  Thank you, Marsha! Joys and sorrows are shared every Sunday morning. Because our Greensheet is open to the public, we do not post Joys and Sorrows here unless the people involved give us specific permission to share their info in the Greensheet. 

UUFA & THE WIDER COMMUNITY This past Sunday we collected donations for the Food Pantry. We’re proud of our connection with the Food Pantry. Thank you to our members and friends who make that connection a reality. Also this past Sunday, UUFA generously donated time on our Zoom account to a United Campus Ministry committee to use for an online meeting. Thank you!

OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING Our next Programming & RE Committee meeting will be a half-hour meeting online at 7:30pm on Thursday December 27th via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie Evans, Brian Richards, and Wenda Sheard. Other UUFA members and friends are most welcome to attend. Contact wendasheard@yahoo.com by Thursday at least 30 minutes before the meeting if you wish the Zoom meeting ID. Please make sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time. If you’ve never attended a Zoom meeting, this is your chance! Think of it this way: We’re using Zoom to reduce our carbon footprint.

OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, January 6th in the Ploghoft room. All members welcome to attend.


December 23th – NO SERVICE THIS SUNDAY MORNING (We’ll meet Christmas Eve instead.)

Christmas Eve Service – MONDAY December 24th – Come sing Christmas Carols this special evening with the UUFA Choir as we usher in Christmas. (Service leader: Choir & Wenda)

December 30th – How to Actually Achieve your Resolutions by Brian Richards. Most of use set a lot goals without reaching all that many of them. With some tips and strategies from the business and social science community, we can increase our chances of success.

January 6 – End-of-Life Planning, including Green Burials, Advanced Directives, Life Histories, Memorial Plans and More. If you have experience/skills/knowledge/thoughts on end-of-life planning and how the UUFA might helps its members in that regard, please offer to present this Sunday along with others. Service Leader: Wenda and others TBA.

January 13 – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck  Details TBA

January 20 – Patrick McGee will share his music and his wisdom.  Details TBA

January 27th – Scientist/teacher Richard Thieret will lead us in a science-based service steeped in UUism. Details TBA

Feb 3rd – TBA

SATURDAY Feb. 9th—“Warm Up Your Winter” Extravaganza Details TBA

Feb. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck Details TBA

Feb. 17th – CoExist Q&A (Panel of UUFA Members of Various Faiths) Details TBA

Feb. 24th – Our RE Children will Lead Us in a Special Hands-On Service. Details TBA

Mar. 3rd – Je Hooper

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!