UUFA Greensheet

CHOIR TODAY, TWICE!, 6pm & 7pm:  Our UUFA Choir resumes weekly choir practices this Tuesday, 1/8/19 at 7:00 pm. BONUS OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN: Our Choir Director, Megan Cameron, is pulling together a group of singers to perform “I Can’t Keep Quiet” at this year’s Women’s March in Athens on January 19th. She and another choir director will be hosting three rehearsals to work on the song. Tuesday 1/8/19 and 1/15/19 at the UUFA from 6:00pm to 7:00pm before the UUFA Choir rehearsal, and Friday, 1/18/19 with the Justice Choir, likely at UCM in the early evening.

THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2019, 11:00am Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck   An Old Story for a New Day, Part Two: Picking up from the turn of the 20th century. Don will conclude an overview of UU history – it’s champions, crossroads, failures and nowadays challenges. Coffee and conversation at 10:30am, Potluck after the service. 

RELIGIOUS EXPLORATIONS NEWS: OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAM Last Sunday the children used their creativity to make different cardboard box creations.  We have more boxes and plan to continue our projects or start new ones next Sunday, January 13.  Then we’ll create a story that incorporates all the creations.  Come join us to take part and see what develops.  – Natalie Barman

THIS SUNDAY: OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, January 13th in the Ploghoft room. All members welcome to attend.

END OF LIFE PLANNING GROUP:  During last Sunday’s service, we explored End of Life Planning and talked about how the UUFA might help with our individual plans. If you are interested in joining a small End of Life Planning group to help you make your plans and possibly propose to the UUFA board that we create space on our website for resource links and space in our office for a file of sealed envelopes of our individual plans for memorial services and other end of life plans that are sometimes kept in church offices, please contact Wenda Sheard. So far, several people have expressed interest in a small group for that purpose, possibly meeting once a month after Sunday services for brown bag lunches on non-potluck days. Anyone else? Email wendasheard@yahoo.com

THE WIDER COMMUNITY We are proud of our many connections to the greater community.
We are proud of our UUFA Choir and Choir Director Megan Cameron for preparing to sing for the Athens Women’s March, and for inviting women from other choirs into our fellowship hall for rehearsals.

We are proud of our connections to the Athens Food Pantry. As usual on our potluck Sundays, this Sunday January 13th there will be a special collection for the Food Pantry after our regular offering. Checks for the Food Pantry can be made out in advance to UUFA with “Food Pantry” in the memo line.

International Auction and Spaghetti Dinner (GF/Vegan Options) 

Like laughing at all the odd objects that people manage to amass? Want to reduce the number of unused oddities in your closet and replace them with more useful and attractive items? Then come to UUFA 5:30-8:30 pm on Saturday February 9, 2019, for our first annual international auction.

Bring an item or two to donate for the auction… each item should have some international connection. If you can’t think of its international connection, Richard Thieret will make one up. All profits will go to the UUFA. Contact Richard Thieret for details. Stay tuned for more information.

OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING Our next Programming & RE Committee meeting will be a half-hour meeting online at 7:00pm on Thursday January 24 via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie Evans, Brian Richards, and Wenda Sheard. Rev. Don Rollins also attends. Other UUFA members and friends are most welcome to attend. Contact wendasheard@yahoo.com by Thursday at least 30 minutes before the meeting if you wish the Zoom meeting ID.


January 20 – The Soul Box, Really Watson, and Life is a River – stories, lies and memories from the fringe. Patrick McGee will be sharing harp music and whatever strange thoughts come into his mind, while accompanied by Lara Wallace on cello. The two have performed for the Fellowship winter fundraiser, and are known for serenading cherry trees and exceptional cats on rare occasions.

January 27th – Pool of Narcissus and The Moons of Jupiter  A human-centered god and a god-centered human…. Is it heavenly symbiosis or primate narcissism?   Science teacher Richard Thieret will describe the  illusions reflected in the pool of spiritual narcissism, the scientific developments that have have introduced ripples to that pool, and how Unitarians, seeking spiritual growth through logic, reason and analysis can look up from the self-absorbing pool to view the world around them. A lively talk and discussion is expected.

Feb 3rd – TBA

Feb. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck Details TBA

Feb. 17th – CoExist Q&A (Panel of UUFA Members of Various Faiths) Details TBA

Feb. 24th – Our RE Children will Lead Us in a Special Hands-On Service. Details TBA

Mar. 3rd – Je Hooper

Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!