SUNDAY June 30, 2019. Spirituality & Politics. Come join our open discussion. Listen and share. Coffee at 10:30am; Service at 11am. Service Leader: Brian Richards.
News from UUA.ORG:
CLOSE THE HOMESTEAD CHILD DETENTION CENTER The Homestead Child Detention Center in Florida is the country’s only for-profit child detention center. Putting children into prison camps is monstrous. This follows a pattern of further criminalizing Black and Brown bodies across the United States and our silence means complicity. We must resist. Join us to #ShutDownHomestead, a campaign started by community groups in the Homestead area and supported by the UUA, UUSC: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Love Resists, Side with Love and other faith partners. SIGN THE PETITION
More News from UUA.ORG:
CREATE CLIMATE JUSTICE WITH REV. SUSAN FREDERICK-GRAY Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the UUA, delivers a compelling message about what Unitarian Universalists are doing to create climate justice. The UUA and UU’s advocate for climate justice following the leadership of most impacted communities doing frontline climate justice work. Create Climate Justice is a community organizing hub for UU Climate Activists. Create Climate Justice Net was created to give UU climate and environmental justice activists and coalition partners a valuable tool for education, collaboration, and organizing. It is a joint initiative of the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, Unitarian Universalist Association Green Sanctuary Program, and UU-United Nations Office. Watch her VIDEO HERE.
2019-2020 UUFA BOARD MEMBERS July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020, as determined at our annual meeting: President: Barb H., President Elect: Susan W., Board Members: Katie E., Brian R., Jessie R., Roberta R.. Treasury: Roberta R. with Patrick G. Sexton: Richard T., Secretary: Vacant.
NEXT UUFA BOARD MEETING: Will be in August at a time yet to be determined. Let Barb know if you wish to attend. If you’re on the board, by June 30th please answer Barb’s email asking about possible dates. Thanks.
FUTURE SUNDAYS: Next week’s Greensheet likely will contain a full list of ALL July and August programs. Your programming committee has been busy these last few days tweaking our summer offerings. Stay tuned for some surprises.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET: Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!