UUFA Greensheet

TONIGHT, TUESDAY: CHOIR CANCELLED this week and next. Sorry!

THIS SATURDAY!   90th BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR DRU RILEY EVARTS:  All UUFA members and friends are invited to help celebrate our esteemed member Dru Riley Evarts’ 90th Birthday Party on Saturday March 9th from 2-5pm at the fellowship. See the colorful invitation far below for more information.

IS SUNDAY, March 10, 2019:  Rev. Don Rollins and his guitar will be with us for his monthly service (always well attended!), for our pledge drive kick-off, and for our monthly potluck. As usual on potluck Sundays, we’ll have a special collection for the Athens Food Pantry. (We’re proud that two of our members are on the board of the Athens Food Pantry.) Coffee and fellowship at 10:30 am, service at 11:00 am.

THIS SUNDAY: UUFA BOARD MEETING Our UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am THIS Sunday, March 10th, in the Ploghoft room. All members are welcome to attend.

THIS SUNDAY: UUFA PLEDGE DRIVE KICK-OFF and BAKED GOODS AUCTION: The UUFA Board set Sunday, March 10th as the kickoff date for our annual pledge drive, together with a baked goods auction. What delicious goodies might you bake and bring for the auction? Your creative donations most welcome this Sunday.

OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – This Sunday our children will continue learning more about UU principles involving community and will do a craft project. We welcome new children.

UUFA ANNUAL MEETING: The UUFA Board set Sunday, April 14th as the date for our Annual Meeting. Details TBA.

WEEKLY GREEN TIP: The Earth Justice Network of environmental committees from various Athens area churches is encouraging us to publish a weekly green tip in our “Greensheet” newsletter. Here’s our third green tip, this time from https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/green-tips:
“Generating enough electricity to cook for an hour in a standard electric oven creates 2.7 pounds of CO2. A toaster oven creates 1.3 pounds over 50 minutes; a microwave creates 0.5 pounds over 15 minutes.”

TIME TO BECOME A MEMBER? If you’ve been thinking it might be time to deepen your relationship with UUFA, please plan to sit with our minister, Rev. Don Rollins during our next Sunday potluck on March 10th. He’s planning to welcome newcomers at our Sunday potluck this Sunday. You can contact him via:  donaldlrollins@gmail.com or 740-988-7834


Mar. 17th – Osatra/Equinox Service led by Katie Evans

Mar. 24th – It’s More Complicated Than That, service led by UUFA President Brian Richards

Mar. 31st – Longtime Southeast Ohio Legal Services Attorney and First Unitarian Church of Marietta member Robin Bozian will speak to us. 

April 7th – Athens County Commissioner Chris Chmiel will speak to us.

April 14th – Rev. Don Rollins & Monthly Potluck & OUR ANNUAL MEETING

April 21st – Music Sunday with the UUFA Choir and MORE!  To volunteer, contact Megan or Wenda. 

April 28th – Beltane/May Day Service led by Katie Evans

May 5th – Athens Mayor Steve Patterson will speak to us.

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!