UUFA Greensheet

THIS TUESDAY 7pm UUFA CHOIR REHEARSAL All welcome, including newcomers.

MEDITATION BEFORE SERVICE THIS SUNDAY at 10am  Free 30 minute meditation the final Sunday of the month.We will begin with a quick chat followed by 20+ minutes of guided meditation with another quick discussion. Directly afterwards, we’ll have time to share our experiences as members of the Fellowship meet for coffee and conversation before the service.

THIS SUNDAY 11am Service  10:30 Coffee

November 25th – Free Growth, One Click Away by Brian Richards One of the promises of the internet was the free proliferation of knowledge. That promise is becoming more and more a reality. In this informational session, we’ll discuss several potential sources for FREE online and smartphone learning platforms which cover a large variety of topics and mediums. So much information, so few clicks away.

SUNDAY Religious Explorations for Children The children are currently doing a variety of arts and crafts projects, as well as our usual “Love Bowl” version of Joys and Sorrows. Children of all ages are welcome to join us.

Our profound sorrow today is the passing yesterday of our longtime member Dr. Frank Myers.  He and his wife Lorraine moved to the Akron area earlier this year to be closer to family. We hold both of them in our hearts. As we learn more about arrangements, we will share details.

SNOW PLOWING for UUFA Parking Lot ??  IDEAS??
We’re looking for someone to plow the snow from our parking lot as needed. If you know anyone who is willing, please tell Fred S. or anyone on the UUFA board, who will then let Fred know. The snow plower from last year is apparently not available. 


Please join the annual Guest At Your Table fundraiser. The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee holds this annual fundraiser to address a wide variety of human rights issues around the globe. This year the funds will go to support immigrants from Central America who risk their lives to seek freedom in the U.S.  Please watch this video for more information.
The boxes can be placed on your dining room table during this holiday season and family and friends can donate extra change. You will also receive a booklet highlighting just some of the stories of hope.
If you collect $40 you will qualify for an annual membership to UUSC.  A donation of $125 or more will be matched by the UU Shelterock Congregation in Manhasset. NY
Barb will collect all donations and submit them to the UUSC. Please turn in donation boxes to Barb Harrison by December 30th.  Barb’s contact #: 740-707-6197.



December 2nd – The Accidental Activist by Susan Westenbarger  UUFA member Susan Westenbarger will share stories from her recent journey–both physical and spiritual–into activist spaces. How can we best engage the present moment and remain politically “active” during times of turmoil?

December 9th – Rev. Don Rollins will join us as usual on the second Sunday of every month. Potluck will follow. Stay tuned for more information.

December 16th – Yule Intergenerational Service Join us in celebrating Yule, also known as Winter Solstice. We’ll learn a little about the history of the celebration and join our children in a craft. We’ll also be treated to a performance by the UUFA Choir.

December 23th – NO SERVICE THIS SUNDAY MORNING (We’ll meet Christmas Eve instead.)

Christmas Eve Service – December 24th – Come sing Christmas Carols this special evening with the UUFA Choir as we usher in Christmas. (Service leader: Choir & Wenda)

December 30th – How to Actually Achieve your Resolutions by Brian Richards. Most of use set a lot goals without reaching all that many of them. With some tips and strategies from the business and social science community, we can increase our chances of success.

January 6 – End-of-Life Planning, including Green Burials, Advanced Directives, Life Histories, Memorial Plans and More. If you have experience/skills/knowledge/thoughts on end-of-life planning and how the UUFA might helps its members in that regard, please offer to present this Sunday along with others. Service Leader: Wenda and others TBA.

January 13 – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck  Details TBA

January 20 – Patrick McGee will share his music and his wisdom.  Details TBA

January 27th – Scientist/teacher Richard Thieret will lead us in a science-based service steeped in UUism. Details TBA

Feb 3rd – TBA

Feb. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins, Service & Potluck Details TBA

Feb. 17th – CoExist Q&A (Panel of UUFA Members of Various Faiths) Details TBA

Feb. 24th – Our RE Children will Lead Us in a Special Hands-On Service. Details TBA

Mar. 3rd – Je Hooper


(A column about how our efforts, our pledges, our building, and our donations support the wider community—submissions welcome!) United Campus Ministry at Ohio University held its 50th Anniversary “Justice Jubilee” this past Saturday. UUFA members and friends might be happy to learn that many of the photographs in the slide show of UCM’s history were taken at celebrations, dinners, and meetings held in our very own fellowship building. Our fellowship has been a supporter of UCM for many decades. 

YET ANOTHER “UUFA” SIGN UPDATE  Our sign-maker, Red Tail Productions on Columbus Road, has joined together in a fancy manner all the osage orange boards that Richard T. harvested and planed. Red Tail will soon put the laser-cut acrylic lettering on the boards. Shortly after the lettering is on, our major donor (are you anonymous or can we name you here?) will pay for the job, and the sign will be installed on the posts already in the ground. Multi-year wish list item ALMOST accomplished!

OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, December 9th in the Ploghoft room. All members welcome to attend.

OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING Our next Programming & RE Committee meeting will be a half-hour meeting online at 7:30pm on Thursday December 27th via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie Evans, Brian Richards, and Wenda Sheard. Other UUFA members and friends are most welcome to attend. Contact wendasheard@yahoo.com by Thursday at least 30 minutes before the meeting if you wish the Zoom meeting ID. Please make sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time. If you’ve never attended a Zoom meeting, this is your chance! Think of it this way: We’re using Zoom to reduce our carbon footprint.

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. NEW deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!