UUFA Greensheet

THIS SUNDAY 11am Service  10:30 Coffee
November 11th – Rev. Don Rollins will join us as usual on the second Sunday of every month. Potluck will follow. This Sunday, Don will talk on “Grief and Resilience in a Time of Violence and Despair.” We live in a time when violence – verbal as well as physical – is the new norm. Don will lead us in a time of grief mixed with resolve.

SUNDAY Religious Explorations for Children We’ll likely need a volunteer to help Natalie with the children this Sunday, because Maggie, Skyler, and Wenda are all going to be gone. If you’re available, please contact Natalie, or tell her on Sunday morning.
Yes, the children will meet again this Sunday November 11th, as they do every Sunday unless the upstairs service is Intergenerational. We’re arts & crafts heavy, we’re child-driven, and we’re welcoming. We do our “love bowl” version of joys and sorrows to begin our time together. 

JOYS AND SORROWS If you would like to follow along with Diana Ray’s current journey, see the updates that Andy Ray has been posting on Caring Bridge. https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dianaray  (Note: Joys and Sorrows are posted only with permission of those involved. Submit your entries by Tuesday noon. Our positive thoughts and prayers are with Diana and her family.)

CROP WALK REPORT  The UUFA final donation is the same $285, but the total for the Athens CROPWalk raised a bit.  They say this was the best year so far.  Thanks to all UUFA members who participated, including Lois W., pictured here at the Crop Walk, and thanks to Natalie B. for submitting this report for the Greensheet.

NEWS ABOUT OUR NEW “UUFA” SIGN  Last week, Richard T. dug the post holes and set the foundational concrete in the bottom of those holes. The posts are now in place, and we’re waiting for the actual sign. The sign-maker, Red Tail Productions on Columbus Road, hopes to have the lettering finished soon. Thanks to a major donor (may we name you?) and thanks to the donations and work of others for making our new sign possible. 


November 18th – National Donation Sabbath by Katie Evans. National Donor Sabbath is an interfaith celebration of life and thanksgiving. It is a special time for congregations across America to learn about the critical shortage of organs and tissue and to celebrate the greatest blessing of all, life. Organ and tissue donation helps restore health, sight and mobility. We’ll talk about giving hope to the more than 100,000 people in need of lifesaving organ transplants and the hundreds of thousands more in need of corneas and tissue.

November 25th – by Brian Richards One of the promises of the internet was the free proliferation of knowledge. That promise is becoming more and more a reality. In this informational session, we’ll discuss several potential sources for FREE online and smartphone learning platforms which cover a large variety of topics and mediums. So much information, so few clicks away.

December 2nd -“The Accidental Activist” by Susan Westenbarger  UUFA member Susan Westenbarger will share stories from her recent journey–both physical and spiritual–into activist spaces. How can we best engage the present moment and remain politically “active” during times of turmoil?

December 9th – Rev. Don Rollins will join us as usual on the second Sunday of every month. Potluck will follow. Stay tuned for more information.

December 16th – Yule Intergenerational Service 

December 23th – NO SERVICE THIS SUNDAY MORNING (We’ll meet Christmas Eve instead.)

Christmas Eve Service – December 24th – Come sing Christmas Carols this special evening with the UUFA Choir as we usher in Christmas.

December 30th – How to Actually Achieve your Resolutions by Brian Richard.

OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, November 11th in the Ploghoft room. All members welcome to attend.

OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING Our next meeting Programming & RE Committee meeting will be online at 7pm on Thursday Nov 17th via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie Evans, Brian Richards, and Wenda Sheard. Others are most welcome to attend. Contact wendasheard@yahoo.com if you wish the Zoom meeting ID.

HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: noon on Tuesday. Thanks!