THIS TUESDAY at UUFA: Regular Tuesday Choir Practice 7pm-8pm all welcome.
THIS SUNDAY 11am Service 10:30 Coffee & Community
November 4th – National Family Caregiver Month by Katie Evans. National Family Caregivers Month – celebrated each November — is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. More than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care to a family member or friend during any given year (2009). Celebrating Family Caregivers during November enables all of us to raise awareness of family caregiver issues, celebrate the efforts of family caregivers, educate family caregivers and increase support for family caregivers. (Service leader Katie) (Due to health challenges, Dr. Jé R. Hooper’s planned November 4th visit with us has been postponed until later. We wish him all the best.)
SUNDAY Religious Explorations for Children Yes, we’ll meet again this Sunday November 4th, as we do every Sunday unless the upstairs service is Intergenerational. We’re arts & crafts heavy, we’re child-driven, and we’re welcoming. We do our “love bowl” version of joys and sorrows to begin our time together.
Skyler is our new Religious Explorations teacher. She’s a student in the Ohio University College of Education who comes from Toledo, Ohio. When you see Skyler, please introduce yourself to her. We’re lucky to have Skyler and her happy energy helping our children. Thanks to Maggie, our other teacher, for recommending Skyler.
JOYS AND SORROWS Diana Ray will undergo surgery for rectal cancer this Friday, November 2nd. She and her family would appreciate positive thoughts and prayers for her and the family as they weather this storm. If you would like to follow along on their journey, Andy Ray will be posting updates throughout on Caring Bridge. (Note: Joys and Sorrows are posted only with permission of those involved. Submit your entries by Tuesday noon. Our positive thoughts and prayers are with Diana and her family.)
Last Sunday’s service was poignant and heartfelt. Milt Ploghoft’s picture went up on the memory tree first. Our UUFA Choir sang a beautiful song, “I Do Not Sleep.” UUFA members and friends are welcome to continue bringing photographs of loved ones to attach to the memory tree, which will be up for another month until we replace it with our holiday decorations. Thanks to all involved with making the service very special.
NEWS ABOUT OUR NEW “UUFA” SIGN Last week the City of Athens granted us a permit to install our new UUFA sign. This morning, Richard T. dug the post holes and set the foundational concrete in the bottom of those holes. The sign-maker, Red Tail Productions on Columbus Road, hopes to have the lettering finished this week. Thanks to a major donor (may we name you?) and thanks to the donations and work of others for making our new sign possible.
November 11th – Rev. Don Rollins will join us as usual on the second Sunday of every month. Potluck will follow. Stay tuned for more information.
November 18th – National Donation Sabbath by Katie Evans. National Donor Sabbath is an interfaith celebration of life and thanksgiving. It is a special time for congregations across America to learn about the critical shortage of organs and tissue and to celebrate the greatest blessing of all, life. Organ and tissue donation helps restore health, sight and mobility. We’ll talk about giving hope to the more than 100,000 people in need of lifesaving organ transplants and the hundreds of thousands more in need of corneas and tissue.
November 25th – by Brian Richards One of the promises of the internet was the free proliferation of knowledge. That promise is becoming more and more a reality. In this informational session, we’ll discuss several potential sources for FREE online and smartphone learning platforms which cover a large variety of topics and mediums. So much information, so few clicks away.
December 2nd -“The Accidental Activist” by Susan Westenbarger UUFA member Susan Westenbarger will share stories from her recent journey–both physical and spiritual–into activist spaces. How can we best engage the present moment and remain politically “active” during times of turmoil?
December 9th – Rev. Don Rollins will join us as usual on the second Sunday of every month. Potluck will follow. Stay tuned for more information.
December 16th – Yule Intergenerational Service
December 23th – NO SERVICE THIS SUNDAY MORNING (We’ll meet Christmas Eve instead.)
Christmas Eve Service – December 24th – Come sing Christmas Carols this special evening with the UUFA Choir as we usher in Christmas.
December 30th – How to Actually Achieve your Resolutions by Brian Richard.
A PHOTO OF MANY THANKS This photo tells quite a few stories of thanks and community. First of all, thanks to Fred Snell for using his forestry skills to clear our UUFA land of ash trees stricken by the Emerald Ash borer. Second, thanks to Fred and to all of us for sharing our ash firewood with those who can benefit from the warmth, including our members. Here’s a photo of our Lois G. helping to clear our parking lot of some of the ash firewood. Thank you all!
OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our next UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, November 11th in the Ploghoft room. All members welcome to attend.
OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING Our next meeting Programming & RE Committee meeting will be online at 7pm on Thursday Nov 17th via Zoom. Members of that committee are Katie Evans, Brian Richards, and Wenda Sheard. Others are most welcome to attend. Contact if you wish the Zoom meeting ID.
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: noon on Tuesday. Thanks!