THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2019, Darkness Within, a Fiddler’s Lament, and Ode to Joy, a celebration of sorrow or an invitation to join the dance. Come join Lara Wallace on cello and Patrick McGee on harp, as they explore a post-Valentine’s Day apocalypse of life without chocolate. Whether you are perched on a precipice or buried under the rubble of life, there comes a moment when you may be confronted with that demonic question, “have you noticed?” Give yourself a break from staring down the girl-scout cookies or shoveling snow and join us for a tune or two and a stirring of the soul.
OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAM As usual, the children stay upstairs for the introductory parts of the service, and then go downstairs for their own version of Joys and Sorrows, known as “The Love Bowl.” We pass the Love Bowl around our circle twice: the first time for putting love in the bowl from the excess love we have for the good things that have happened in our lives recently, and the second time for taking love out to share with those in need. Then we begin our lesson or project for the day. Our time together is full of flexibility, with the adults paying close attention to the children’s needs and passions. Last Sunday, thanks to preparation work and inspiration from Natalie Barman, most of us made Valentine’s cards for children in Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, a two of us explored some math fun.
TONIGHT, TUESDAY: CHOIR at 7pm. Newcomers welcome, as usual. Join us as we continue learning a new and beautiful piece of music.
90th BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR DRU RILEY EVARTS: All friends of our esteemed member Dru Riley Evarts are invited to her 90th Birthday Party on Saturday March 9th from 2-5pm at the fellowship. See the colorful invitation far below for more information.
UUFA PLEDGE DRIVE KICK-OFF and BAKED GOODS AUCTION: The UUFA Board set Sunday, March 10th as the kickoff date for our annual pledge drive, together with a baked goods auction. Be thinking about what delicious goodies you might bake for the auction, ok? Details TBA.
UUFA ANNUAL MEETING: The UUFA Board set Sunday, April 14th as the date for our Annual Meeting. Details TBA.
RACE RELATIONS TEAM: The Unitarian Universalist Association is encouraging member congregations to be involved in the denomination-wide race relations effort. If you are interested in serving on our UUFA Race Relations Team, please speak with our board member Susan W.
NEW! GREEN TIP: The Earth Justice Network of environmental committees from various Athens area churches is encouraging us to publish a weekly green tip in our “Greensheet” newsletter. Here’s the first green tip:
“Plastics – How do we know whether to put a plastic object (not a bag or film plastic which should not go into curbside recycling) into recycling? Only plastic items with a recycle symbol surrounding a number should be put into recycling. Good news, tissue paper like tissue wrapping paper can go into recycling – folded, not scrunched please!”
NEW DATE UNKNOWN – Spaghetti Dinner and International Auction. Due to weather closures in January, and now because we can’t possibly miss the 90th birthday celebration of our esteemed member Dru Riley Evarts planned for March 9th (see info elsewhere in this Greensheet), Richard T. and others decided to move the spaghetti dinner (gf & vegan options!) and international auction forward again. Stay tuned for more information. Apologies for a date as slippery as spaghetti itself.
TIME TO BECOME A MEMBER? If you’ve been thinking it might be time to deepen your relationship with UUFA, please plan to sit with our minister, Rev. Don Rollins during our next Sunday potluck on March 10th. He’s planning to welcome newcomers at several upcoming Sunday potlucks. You can contact him via: or 740-988-7834
PROGRAMMING AND RE COMMITTEE REPORT Members of that committee are Katie, Brian, and Wenda. Rev. Don Rollins also attends. You’ll see the results of our work in the “Future Sundays” section of this newsletter. If YOU have an idea for a program, please let us know. If YOU have an idea of a theme for this coming summer’s programs, please let us know. If YOU are willing to play music for an upcoming program, please let us know. Thanks!
OUR NEXT PROGRAMMING AND RE MEETING We plan to meet again on February 21st via Zoom online. We usually meet at 7pm. The start time can be pushed back to 8 pm or a little bit after if that will work better. Or it can stay at 7 pm. If you would like to join us that evening, let us know your preference. (Brian, Katie, Wenda, Don).
OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING Our UUFA Board Meeting will be 10am Sunday, March 10th, in the Ploghoft room. All members are welcome to attend.
Feb. 24th – CoExist Q&A (Panel of UUFA Members of Various Faiths) Volunteers needed. Contact Brian. Thanks.
Mar. 3rd – Dr. Jé Hooper
Mar. 10th – Rev. Don Rollins & Monthly Potluck
Mar. 17th – Osatra/Equinox Service led by Katie Evans
Mar. 24th – It’s More Complicated Than That, service led by UUFA President Brian Richards
Mar. 31st – Longtime Southeast Ohio Legal Services Attorney and First Unitarian Church of Marietta member Robin Bozian will speak to us.
April 7th – Athens County Commissioner Chris Chmiel
April 14th – Rev. Don Rollins & Monthly Potluck
April 21st – Music Sunday with the UUFA Choir and MORE! To volunteer, contact Megan or Wenda.
April 28th – Beltane/May Day Service led by Katie Evans
May 5th – Athens Mayor Steve Patterson
HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE GREENSHEET Please email items to and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, joys, sorrows, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet. Deadline for each week: Midnight Monday. Thanks!