“Strength for the Journey: Expanding Our Skills, Engaging Our Spirits”
Saturday, October 14
10 am – 4 pm (check in and on-site registration at 9:30 am)
Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO)
3081 Columbus Pike, Delaware OH 43015
(once on campus, follow signs to “The Centrum”)
Registration is on a sliding scale from $25 to $60, and includes lunch.
(A sliding scale is being used to increase accessibility for all ages and economic situations.)
Registration deadline is Oct. 10 to be included in the lunch count.
For more information about presenters and workshops, click HERE
For a Flyer, click HERE.
To register, click HERE
Keynote with Q&A:
Resistance!: The Holy No! – Revs. Mel Hoover and Rose Edington
An interactive presentation that draws from the UU awe-inspiring tradition of dissenting towards justice. We are looking at resistance that leads to the lifting of oppression–that’s why we call it a holy no; we also realize that there are those whose kind of resistance leads to oppression, which we call an unholy no. The Holy No allows you the space to affirm the worth and dignity of all people. In the resistance on behalf of “we the people” — all of us– passions often run high. How do live out our UU values as we pursue equal justice for all?
Speaking from the Heart – Rev. Dr. Susan Ritchie
How to communicate effectively without using notes or scripts. Participants will learn strategies for powerfully conveying their justice commitments, whether they are visiting a legislator, taking to the media, or speaking to accongregation or other group.
Rebirth and Resistance in this Age of LGBTQ++ – Samuel Prince
As the assault on LGBTQ++ continue in our era, we need to have a rebirth of what the tools and environment would lend itself to resist and change the narrative of what it means to have justice and equal rights. And whether as the Association, congregation or individual can we say that we are abiding by our Principles for justice, equity and compassion.
Practical Organizing Skills: Campaigns and Teams –Gary Davenport
Many of us participate in movements for justice, but how can we respond when we are called to be the mover? This session will show how to create a campaign with winnable goals and build teams to achieve them. Come prepared to share your experiences and hopes and take a plan for action with you for yourself and your congregations.
Family & Friends & Political Differences: Reaching Across Our Divisions – Rev. Joan Van Becelaere
Differing views on social issues and political policies divide many of us from those we love. Too many of us are afraid to even talk to some of our loved ones for fear of starting heated arguments that are destined to go nowhere. What can we do to bridge this relational divide? Can we learn to speak to one another again in this age of polarization? We will draw on the wisdom of comedian Jim Gaffigan, Kid President, a hostage negotiator and each other as we explore ways to approach our divisions and rebuild our relationships.