“We Need to Talk About Abortion” (sermon by the Rev. Sally Fritsche courtesy of the UUA)

Come join our Service on Sunday, January 22nd, 11am in person (face masks encouraged) or by Zoom. We’re in the second Sunday of the UUA’s 30 Days of Love. Two paragraphs from UUA.org about the 30 days and about Unitarian Universalism & Reproductive Justice:

“30 Days of Love is our annual celebration that runs approximately from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, deepen our understanding, and take action on our values for collective liberation.”

“Whether in commemoration of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade or to offer inspiration and succor during our ongoing fight for reproductive health, rights, and justice, there is a need more than ever for worship services and events focused on reproductive justice.”

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This Sunday, we’re focusing on Reproductive Justice, using readings, a sermon, music, and other resources from the Unitarian Universalist Association. We’ll see “We Need to Talk About Abortion” by Rev. Sally Fritsche, which including stories from members of her UU congregation in Urbana, Illinois. We’ll have time for discussion as well. Please join us.


NEW MASK NOTES: As of January 14, 2022, the UUFA board moved from a mandatory face mask policy for Sunday Services to a “face masks encouraged” policy. Thank you to all who continue to wear face masks to protect the most vulnerable among us. We provide Zoom access for those unable to attend in person. 

Join Zoom Meeting

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1)  It is time for us to report our membership numbers to the UU Association. Our membership number determines the amount that the UUA asks from us in congregational dues. If you have any concerns about your status, please contact me at SuusanW.UU@gmail.com or 240-305-0860.

2)  Tax statements for your 2022 pledges and other financial contributions to UUFA will be emailed to you closer to the end of January. You can still give us money for a 2022 tax deduction; just make sure to put 2022 on the memo line or let me know your intentions.
3)  We are now halfway through the Fellowship’s fiscal year. Our income (that is, pledges, Sunday morning offerings, and other donations) is about half what we anticipated and budgeted for, so we’re right on track!. If you made a pledge, but forget how much it was for, or if you’d still like to make a pledge for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, please let me know (email and phone above.)
Susan Westenbarger (she/her)



by Richard Thieret, UUFA President

The UUFA Board met on January 14th and decided the following:

1. To fund the repair of the boiler heating system pipes.

2. To investigate ideas to increase use of the building. Those ideas included book clubs, game nights, art classes, and a musical Mardi Gras celebration.

3. To meet with city officials to brainstorm ways to increase use of the building for the benefit of the Athens community.

4. To change our mandatory face mask policy to a face masks-encouraged policy, effective immediately.

5. To begin investigating shared services with nearly UU congregations including Marietta, Charleston, Huntington, and Bexley—all of who are part of the Appalachian Cluster of the Unitarian Universalist Associations’ Central East Region.

6. To delegate to the programming committee decisions on how to best deliver services whether in person, online, or hybrid.



1. We create our Greensheet newsletter on WordPress, and it then ALWAYS automagically appears on our website, under the Greensheet tab, here: http://uuathensoh.org/home/the-greensheet/

2. If you have a Facebook account—even one you never use—you can read our news and send us messages via our Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/uuathensoh

3. We are currently unable to email the Greensheet via our WordPress account. That’s because we need to install a new “mail plugin” with our WordPress account. The mail plugin we were using is not compatible with our current version of WordPress. Your current Greensheet editor attempted to install a new mail plugin, but that level of technology is WAY above her head. We have a volunteer lined up to fix that issue. (Thank you!)

In a pinch, we can and do email those in our Elvanto church membership software a plain version of our Greensheet….without photos. Not everyone who signed up on WordPress is on our Elvanto list. We’re looking for a volunteer to make sure those two lists match.

Thanks for your patience. REMEMBER—you can always see the Greensheet on our website, and you can always read our news on our Facebook page.



Please email items to wendasheard@yahoo.com and put “Greensheet” in the subject line. New ideas, new columns, announcements, artwork, photographs, biographies, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatnot that you don’t mind being public are all welcome for possible inclusion in the Greensheet.

NEW Deadline for each week: SUNDAY 3pm or before publication, whichever comes last. We hope to get the Greensheet out, our Facebook event for the next week posted, and more each Sunday evening or Monday at the latest. Thanks!



The next UUFA board meeting will be SATURDAY February 11th at 10:30am by Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.


The next UUFA programming meeting will be Sunday, February 12th at 1pm by Zoom. More people, more music, more ideas all welcome! All members and friends are welcome to attend.