Come join our Service this Sunday, May 22th, 11am by Zoom or, preferably for this Sunday in particular, N95/KN95masked/vaxxed in person. Your choice!
This Service will begin as usual, with time for announcements, music, joys, and sorrows, then we’ll do something that our Appreciative Inquiry process from a few years ago discovered made for some of the best memories among our members: Those of us who attend in person tomorrow are going to spend time crafting together.
How do carpenter bees fit into the mix? We’ll be making carpenter bee traps. Why? Because our fellowship building currently has a carpenter bee problem, and because your house might, too. Come, meet others, learn new skills, and maybe, if we have extras, make a donation for materials and leave with a carpenter bee trap for your own home. Many thanks to Fred Snell for all his continuing care of the building, and his willingness to help guide us tomorrow morning. Weather permitting, we’ll be working outside by the lower level. If not, we’ll work inside.
It would be nice to have a few extra drills, with a 1″ paddle bit, a 1/2″ paddle bit, and a Phillips screwdriver bit, and a tiny drill bit for drilling pilot holes. And tin snips would be great….we’re going to use those to snip into canning jar lids. Thanks!
Musicians and other entertainers…you’re welcome to entertain us as we work….our social/work/service events work best with all sorts of contributions.
MASKS! NOTE: Our board is still requiring vaccination cards and kn95 or equivalent masks (NO FABRIC MASKS) of folks entering the building for Sunday services. We have many folks who truly appreciate us flipping the “usual narrative.” Usually Zoom is for those who are at risk where in-person places are not safe for them. At the fellowship, we’re doing Zoom for anyone who doesn’t want to wear a nk95 or n95 mask or get vaccinated, thus keeping the fellowship safe for the most vulnerable. We do, however, allow our presenters to unmask when speaking in the front of the fellowship. Some choose to stay masked.
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+13017158592,,82365397153# US (Washington DC)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 823 6539 7153
– Jessie R, (pledge drive chair)
If you are interested in participating in GA this year, take a look at and talk to Susan W. ( / 240-305-0860) or another member of the Board to find out more. (PS. Almost forgot to mention . . . The Fellowship will pay the registration fee!)