“Nice /Stuff ReUse” is the name of the yard sale we are planning for May 4 in order to
build up the UUFA Endowment Fund, and we hope that everyone is willing to help.
Here’s how you can make it a success:
Gather stuff for the sale: Look around your house for nice stuff that you no longer use. These should be things you really think someone else would love to have. (Please no “junk” or old clothes or ragged books, etc.) Ask your friends and neighbors for similar stuff. Everything should be clean and usable.
Get your donations to the sale early. Bring your nice stuff to the city pool shelter between 7 and 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 4. If you can’t do that, leave at the Evarts house (in front of Glidden Hall (Music Bldg.) on the OU campus earlier that week. Call Dru before you come to be sure someone is there to receive it. Or bring it to the Fellowship on the last Sunday in April.
For large or heavy donations, Don Shamblin has offered to pick these things up in his pickup truck. Call Dru to arrange for this. Leave a message on the answering machine if phone is unanswered.
Help AT the sale or FOR the sale. The Endowment Committee is small, so we need others to help at the sale. Sign up for two or three hours to help on May 4. Or offer to make and put up signs to attract people to the sale. We need big, bright, clever signs that can be read from a distance. You can also do an exceptional job of collecting nice stuff from friends and neighbors and delivering them to the sale.
Rewards for helping. Those helping AT or FOR the sale get first pick of the goods before the sale is open to the public. Of course, this means getting out to the pool picnic shelter before 9 a.m. because we are opening it to everyone at 9. But there will be some nice stuff. You will want to join in on this riotous grab. Contact Dru to get on the schedule.
Jeanette Wilmot
I need Dru’s phone number. Thanks!