New Treasurer Welcomed

Kev Polk decided to step down as Treasurer to devote more time to his Seed Homes. We thank him graciously for his hard work and for stepping up in a time of need. Sam Pattantyus was elected to fill the role at our Feb 23 Annual Business Meeting. Her three year term began May 1. … [Read more…]

Attention Greensheet Contributors and Committee Chairs

We remind everyone to submit their Greensheet articles and service descriptions no later than the 20th of each month to appear in the following month’s printed version of the Greensheet. This deadline allows us to print and mail the Greensheet on time so that no one misses important information. Committee chairs and regular contributors are encouraged … [Read more…]

Annual Pledge Drive

We are still in the midst of pledge season for the July 2014 to June 2015 fiscal year. Please remember to turn your pledge sheets in to Natalie Barman or Sam Pattantyus. Pledging is important because it allows us to better plan and budget our finances for the next fiscal year. Over the last year … [Read more…]

New Treasurer Welcomed

Kev Polk has decided to step down as Treasurer to devote more time to his Seed Homes. We thank him graciously for his hard work and for stepping up in a time of need. Sam Pattantyus was elected to fill the role at our Feb 23 Annual Business Meeting. Her three year term will begin … [Read more…]

UUFA Wish List

Looking to help a little extra? I have started a wish list for the UUFA on Amazon. These are items that would be so helpful and useful but really aren’t in our budget. Take a look: Pat Gordon Facilities

Pledge Drive 2014

Our annual pledge drive will kickoff on April 6th. Be sure to come out for the Cakewalk—but be sure to fill out a pledge form. These pledges help us to plan our budget for the year. Come out and show your support!