UUFA Greensheet

UUFA This Week: THIS TUESDAY 7:00pm CHOIR Choir has resumed and welcomes singers of all level and voice part high school age and up.  We sing all kinds of music from contemporary songs to classical, songs focusing on social justice and our relationship with the Earth. For folks with kiddos let us know if having … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet

UUFA This Week: TUESDAY EVENING – CHOIR!  7pm Choir has resumed and welcomes singers of all level and voice part high school age and up. We meet 7:00 pm-8:00 pm on Tuesdays and sing one Sunday a month during the 11:00 am service.  We sing all kinds of music from contemporary songs to classical, songs … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet

SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 Coffee & Community; 11:00 Service September 23rd- Equinox  – Twice a year, when winter gives way to spring and summer to fall, daylight and darkness share the day equally—they are, for a fleeting moment, perfectly in balance.  Our busy lives can often leave us feeling anything but!  This Sunday, we’ll take our lesson from … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet

SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 Coffee & Community; 11:00 Service September 16th- Being Human, Under One Roof – As we ramp up for the new church year, UUFA’s minister, Rev. Don Rollins, will offer a take on what it means to be unique human beings, doing their falling-down best to live in peace and do justice. In other … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet

UPCOMING SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 Coffee, 11:00 Service September 9th – Water Communion and In-Gathering– Join us as we come back together and celebrate the beginning of a new church year with an inter-generational water communion. We invite you to bring with you a sample of water that represents a special place, event or memory from … [Read more…]


UPCOMING SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 Coffee, 11:00 Service September 2nd- Vision Boards– Katie Evans will lead us in an inter-generational craft to create vision boards. Using magazines, catalogs, scissors and glue we’ll explore our faith and future. Katie has been a UUFA member for a couple years as well as avid knitter. Coffee and tea at … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF ATHENS  UPCOMING SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 Coffee, 11:00 Service August 26, 2018 –  Ron Boyd with Return to the Mythic.   In a world where science has distanced us from mythic ideas, has anything been lost that might be regained by returning to the mythic dimension?”  For the past 20 years, Ron has … [Read more…]

UUFA Board Meeting August 5, 2017
 Draft Minutes

Present: Patrick Gordon, Wenda Sheard, Fred Snell, and by conference call Fred Woodley. Absent: David May, Kate Mitchell. Also in attendance: Barb Harrison Quorum determined—(We have 2/3rd of our at-large members). Motion to approve minutes of July 8th board meeting by Wenda, seconded by Patrick, unanamously approved. RE person Wenda read her minutes of the … [Read more…]

UUFA Needs Board Members

Please consider joining our board. We have the following two positions open: Open At-Large Position for ONE YEAR to serve the remaining year of Jazz Armstrong’s position: * At-Large Representatives –  there are Four At-Large positions within the Executive Committee. Each representative serves a two year term on a rotating basis so that there are never … [Read more…]