CrazyCon 2015

CozyCon is back again! Escape the cold and join us for eating comfort food, gaming, watching movies, socializing with old friends and making news ones! Where: East Suburban UU Church Murrysville, PA When: January 9-11 Who: You! And other UU Young Adults (ages 18-35) Registration: $15-$25 (sliding scale) For more details please visit: … [Read more…]

“Meeting in the Middle” from UU Church of Amherst, Amherst NY

The idea of pulling an “all-nighter” after the age of 40 is daunting for me! Thankfully, our wise youth and youth advisers took into account when planning their Fantasy Auction fund raising offerig. The youth offered a “Mock Sleepover”, which incorporated all the fun and activities of a youth sleepover without the “sleepover” part (at … [Read more…]

CERG Regional Youth Con

The youth of the Central East Regional Group are planning a youth con for February 14-17, 2014. This is an opportunity to meet others from around the regional and learn about similarities and differences in con structures. For details visit

Looking for Youth Trainings?

There are several youth trainings on the calendar for this year – Becoming a Leader for Jr High Youth is happening in Rocky River on January 11-12. Peer Chaplain Training and a Spirituality Development Conference will be offered in Cleveland at the same time – January 31-February 2. For this one you must choose which … [Read more…]

Youth Group Reconstitutes!

The youth program has started up again this month. We’ve created our covenant and began discussing issues of relevance to social justice and the importance of organizing for change. This coming month we’ll be learning more about important entities on the national level (such as the ACLU) and the local (such as UCM, Rural Action … [Read more…]