Sunday, Oct 12: Animal Blessing with Dana Gardner

On Sunday, October 12, Dana Gardner will lead us in celebrating the animals in our lives and the many blessings they bring us. So, bring your well-behaved beasts (or photos of them!) and some plastic bags (just in case!) and let’s show our feathered and/or furry friends how much we love them! Following Service at 2pm (1:30pm … [Read more…]

Get Involved: CROP Hunger Walk and more

The annual Athens CROP Hunger Walk to counter hunger, both locally (25%) and overseas (75%), is scheduled for Sunday, October 12. We will walk on the bike path, beginning at 2 PM by the Richland Ave. bridge/Peden Stadium.  See Lois Whealey for more information and a signup envelope, and please ask friends and neighbors (on line works too) … [Read more…]

Ohio-Meadville District UU Young Adult Network Fall Conference

The Ohio-Meadville District UU Young Adult Network Presents Fall Conference: Pop Con: Pop Culture and UU – A gathering of UU young adults (18-35) October 10 – October 12 East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, Kirtland, OH To register go to: For more information visit: or email Cost: $25-$45 (sliding scale), $5 discount if you bring a friend … [Read more…]

Drum Circle with CUUPS

CUUPS will host a drum circle at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens on Thursday, September 18th beginning at 7pm. All including children are welcome to join and bring any instrument they have have.

Peace Vigil to Remember Michael Brown on Sep. 9th

Peace Vigil to Remember Michael Brown Killed in Ferguson , MO Tuesday, September 9, 2014 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Athens County Courthouse, 8 E. Washington St. Athens, OH Join us to honor his memory – bring a candle to light Sponsored by the Unitarian  Universalist Fellowship of Athens 184 Longview Hts., Athens, OH We … [Read more…]

The Ifugao Hut Healing Project

“Help us build a Traditional Ifugao Hut to celebrate Filipino indigenous traditions and heal the cultural and colonial trauma of our people.” Ifugao hut healing project from Kultura Film on Vimeo. Hello fellow UUs, here is the link to the fund raising campaign that I mentioned last Sunday. Donate if it resonates with you. … [Read more…]

Playground Workday on Aug 9th

Tomorrow, August 9th, at noon we will continue working on the playgrounded at the Fellowship. We’ll work rain or shine until the sun sets. The playground is almost done, so lets pull together to finish up!