Upcoming CERG events Feb-April

Upcoming CERG events at a glance:  www.cerguua.org/cergevents-1875.html Worship Wide: Overcoming Barriers to Spiritual Communty ~ February 20-21 2015 Our Whole Lives Young Adult/Adult Training ~ March 6-7, 2015 Young Adult Spring Lobby Weekend ~ March 14-17, 2015 OMD/SLD Joint District Assembly ~ March 27-28, 2015 JPD District Assembly ~ April 10-11, 2015 Building Our Capacity for Authentic Diversity ~ April 18, 2015 … [Read more…]

Sunday Service Feb 8: “The ‘R’ Word” with Roberta Roberson

We’ll take a short journey through the book “Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America”, with a view to understanding how “good and decent people”—merchants, students, politicians, media owners, and church goers, (among many others)—could rationalize and justify all manner of atrocities primarily against people of color. Taking the time to better know our past can … [Read more…]

February 2015 Executive Committee Meeting

In attendance: Lynda Smith, Paul Patton, Jeremy Bowman, Michael Pistrui, Daniel Williams, Barb Harrison, Patrick Gordon, Jackie Warmke, Lois Whealey, Laura Mitchell, Roberta Roberson, Natalie Barman Call To Order: 12:10 Leadership Covenant read by members Review Prior Minutes: Motion to accept: Jackie, Seconded Natalie. No opposition. Minister’s Report: Don Rollins to preach here in May. He is also … [Read more…]

2015 Unitarian Universalist Association Elections

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) will be holding elections for the following positions at General Assembly (GA) 2015 in Portland, OR: Board of Trustees 4 trustees-at-large Commission on Appraisal 3 members Commission on Social Witness 2 members Board of Review 2 members General Assembly Planning Committee 5 members Nominating Committee 4 members The Nominating Committee has … [Read more…]

January 2015 Executive Committee Meeting

In Attendance: Paul Patton, Jeremy Bowman, Michael Pistrui, Daniel Williams, Barb Harrison, Patrick Gordon, Jackie Warmke, Lois Whealey, Jessie Roberson, Laura Mitchell, Roberta Roberson, Natalie Barman Leadership Covenant Review December Minutes:  Barb interested in pursuing Don Rollins as a speaker. Paul motioned to accept minutes, Jackie seconded: Unanimous. Minister’s Report: Submitted 1-4-15. Old Business Treasurer Appointments: … [Read more…]

UUA Statement on Events in Furguson, MO

The Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), issued this statement following the news in Ferguson, MO, that charges will not be brought against Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown: “Our fear that justice will not be served is now a reality. Regardless of the reasons why a grand … [Read more…]