In attendance: Lynda Smith, Paul Patton, Jeremy Bowman, Michael Pistrui, Daniel Williams, Barb Harrison, Patrick Gordon, Jackie Warmke, Lois Whealey, Laura Mitchell, Roberta Roberson, Natalie Barman
Call To Order: 12:10
Leadership Covenant read by members
Review Prior Minutes: Motion to accept: Jackie, Seconded Natalie. No opposition.
Minister’s Report: Don Rollins to preach here in May. He is also interested in becoming an Affiliated Community Minister (discussion re this process to happen at future date after Don preaches at UUFA)
Treasurer’s Report: Many evenings spent setting up books, accounts, procedures, processes. Big thanks to Laura, Michael, Patrick, and Jeremy!
Old Business
Annual business meeting planning underway.
Finance committee to get budgets from committees—by Feb 15th.
All info (budgets, agenda, etc) for the general business meeting needs to be with Roberta by Feb 18th.
New Business
Re bylaws, Paul: motion: board to have meeting with bylaw committee to discuss new bylaws. Seconded Roberta. No opposition.
UUA certification and vote on social justice issue due tomorrow: Laura motion to vote yes on Reproductive Justice issue. Lois seconded. No opposition.
Pat advised we have 50 voting members in the congregation.
Committee Reports
Programming/RE Natalie: Children’s program following SOTSL program. Natalie appreciates having children involved in upstairs Sunday programs. Long term planning underway. Need babysitter for young ones. Natalie to talk with Jessie about Adult RE. Natalie to put together a budget. Paul reports that programming is scheduled through June.
COM/Membership Membership: revisiting game day and considering other non-Sunday service activities.
Facilities/Endowment: Kitchen update underway. Paul motion, Natalie seconded to tour the proposed new kitchen space after meeting. No opposition. Clean up day went well. Patrick talked about budgets and future facilities projects—insulation, doors.
Standing on the Side of Love: Lois advised that $370 raised through Guest At Your Table.
Adjourn: Roberta motion, Barb seconded 1:45