UUFA Choir Reforming Soon

Calling all singers ! The UUFA choir will be reforming soon. Nellie Werger has stepped forward to direct us. We would like to return again to The Lindley Inn this December to share carols and would love to have you all join us. Rehearsals will likely be either Wednesday evenings at 8:15 starting Nov. 18 … [Read more…]

UUFA Receives Chalice Lighters Grant

The executive committee is proud to announce that we have applied for and received a Chalice LIghters Grant through the Ohio Meadville District for this round. In August the board voted to approve that we move forward with submitting a Chalice Lighters Grant to help fund the replacement of our main doors. As our facilities … [Read more…]

What Belonging Means to Me: UUFA Members/Friends Share their thoughts – Sunday Service June 7, 2015 – led by Roberta Roberson

On Sunday June 7th we explored what “belonging” means to us as congregants of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens. In discussing her protracted struggles at finding a new church home after a move, Ellen Painter Dollar writes: “We hoped to find a new community that would look a lot like the one we left … [Read more…]

Call for Well Wishes and Financial Support for Laura Mitchell and James Frame at UUA General Assembly

A hearty thanks goes out to Laura Mitchell and James Frame who are representing us at the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly this week in Providence , Rhode Island.  As you will recall we elected Laura and James for this annual opportunity to represent UUFA at the national level. UUFA covers their registration expense through … [Read more…]

UUFA Leadership Updates from June 7 Meeting

UUFA Leadership Retreat Highlights – Saturday, June 7 2014 13 leaders met Saturday, June 7th at the fellowship from 2-6 pm for our annual leadership retreat. It was a very productive meeting and here are some highlights about the aspirations we have for UUFA for the coming year. • UUFA Mission Statement was approved and … [Read more…]