UUFA Greensheet – October 5, 2023

Sunday Service this week: October 8th – 11:00 am – Noon Please join us for our annual Pet Blessing service. Furred, feathered, or scaled , all well behaved, leashed or otherwise contained pet friends are welcome to join their human companions!  If your pet friends are shy, feel free to bring a photograph.  We’ll be … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet – September 28, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023 “Was Jesus a Shapeshifter?” Based on research for his book, “Shapeshifters: A History,” former Athens UU Fellowship member John Kachuba talks about the relationship between gods and shapeshifters and explores that intriguing questions about Jesus. SEORA Partnership —  Nelsonville Pride – Saturday, September 30th  Please stop by or stay for a … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet – September 22, 2023

Busyness & Balance-Sunday,September, 24 – 11:00AM Join us this Sunday as we observe the wheel of the year turning toward the fall equinox followed by the dark half of the year. We will examine the concept of seeking balance in our lives amidst the busyness that surrounds us. We welcome service leaders Barb Harrison & … [Read more…]

UUFA Greensheet – September 14

UUFA Greensheet Updates for September 14, 2023   Sunday, September 17th Service  beginning at 11:00 am will be: Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement for Spiritual Growth (Our UU 3rd Principle)  “An authentic Unitarian Universalist spirituality nurtures spacious and resilient souls that embrace the tensions of our world and propel us forward in our task … [Read more…]

Service in Honduras

Service in Honduras, by Pete and Anna Mather Sunday, August 27.  11:00 am .         Please join us this Sunday at 11:00 am in person at the UU Fellowship of Athens, 184 Longview Heights Road. New members, Pete and Anna Mather, will share how they experienced a service trip to Honduras this … [Read more…]

Justice, Equity + Compassion

Please join us this Sunday at 11am as we discuss Justice , Equity and Compassion. This is our 2nd UU principle. Roberta Roberson will guide us through and exploration of how we can further the promise of this principle. If you cannot join us in person, we invite you to join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82340676520?pwd=a2tHZEFZdndXUkdSTVRJaS9DTkFLUT09 Meeting … [Read more…]

Anna Jinja Mather: Sharing her story

Sunday August 13th, 11:00 am In-person & by ZOOM, with a NEW Zoom Link. (The link some of you have bookmarked will not work).  Anna Jinja Mather was adopted from Seoul, Korea and grew up in Iowa. Her heart is filled with love for people and their stories. By sharing her adoption story and all that … [Read more…]

Community Chat & Aspirations for the Future

Fellowship Community Chat & Aspirations for the Future (Coffee/Tea provided) Please join us this coming Sunday morning, August 6th at 11am, when we gather round with coffee/tea service returned to the Fellowship ! Barb Harrison, Current President of the Board of UUFA will facilitate the morning gathering and provide updates on what current issues we are … [Read more…]

Chant and Be Happy!

Please join us Sunday Service –  July 30th- 11:00 am Chant and Be Happy! We welcome Rose Mary Rader to share traditions of Hare Krsna (Editor’s Note: Spelled that way on purpose, instead of spelled “Hare Krishna.”) Mantra meditation, explained – a simple and sublime method of self realization for the modern age. In 1965, … [Read more…]

Fellowship News & This Sunday

Summertime is in full swing and we hope you are enjoying vacation and lazy days as much as you can.  Here are some updates from UUFA for this week. Be well and we look forward to seeing you soon. Please join us Sunday Service –  July 23- 11:00 am Democracy with Jessie Roberson Democracy lies … [Read more…]