Flower Communion (May 11)

The Flower Communion is an annual service led by the programming committee that honors the diversity of life and the unique contribution that we each bring to the fellowship community. Please bring a fresh cut flower to the service for our community bouquet. Following service we will enjoy our second-sunday potluck and have a special business meeting.

Cake Walk

To all who seek and enjoy the UUFA fellowship weekly, monthly, or whenever you are able, please join the congregation April 6 for our traditional Cake Walk immediately following service. This is a fun and delicious affair for all. Bakers show off their best work while others reap the tasty benefits of their contributions. We’ll … [Read more…]

Seed Home with Kev Polk (Sunday, March 30)

It is impossible to overcome injustice while living in ways that promote it. Unfortunately, we are causing the worst global mass extinction since the one that killed the dinosaurs, and we can’t begin to slow it until we cut our consumption by at least 90%. For most people, this would require unimaginable sacrifice and tinkering. … [Read more…]

Escalating Inequality

Sunday Service January 26, 2014 Thirty Days Standing on the Side of Love. Week 2 Upward mobility—the American Dream—has become a myth. Concentration of wealth and power has skyrocketed. King’s dream of justice and equality has fractured. Half of all Americans are impoverished or struggling, as the middle class shrinks and billionaires take the profits. … [Read more…]

Service canceled

Due to weather conditions and potentially bad road conditions going home, service is canceled for today, December 8th.  Stay safe, warm and dry!