Message from Rev. Lynda Smith

Dear UUFA Friends, “We don’t have to think alike to love alike.” so said Universalist, Rev. Hosea Ballou. UU’s believe that diversity, at all levels of human culture and of nature is part of life. And we revere science. But as Max Planck, the famous physicist put it: “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of … [Read more…]

Volunteer to Help Provide Free Medical Services in June

Here is an opportunity to help with an important program to provide essential health services to underserved people in Appalachian Ohio. There’s a significant need for volunteers to help with this program. The attached press release and timeline will provide more information. They need approx. 300 volunteers June 1-June 10 to pull this off – data entry, … [Read more…]

February’s Athens County Food Pantry Contributions

The February collection for the Athens County Food Pantry netted $66.00.  This amount will furnish 6 families with food for 3 days. To date, UUFA has contributed $186.  Thanks to all who contributed this month.  UUFA’s continued support of the Pantry is most appreciated! Thanks to Charlie Barman for organizing this effort.

Upcoming CERG events Feb-April

Upcoming CERG events at a glance: Worship Wide: Overcoming Barriers to Spiritual Communty ~ February 20-21 2015 Our Whole Lives Young Adult/Adult Training ~ March 6-7, 2015 Young Adult Spring Lobby Weekend ~ March 14-17, 2015 OMD/SLD Joint District Assembly ~ March 27-28, 2015 JPD District Assembly ~ April 10-11, 2015 Building Our Capacity for Authentic Diversity ~ April 18, 2015 … [Read more…]

Sunday Service Feb 8: “The ‘R’ Word” with Roberta Roberson

We’ll take a short journey through the book “Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America”, with a view to understanding how “good and decent people”—merchants, students, politicians, media owners, and church goers, (among many others)—could rationalize and justify all manner of atrocities primarily against people of color. Taking the time to better know our past can … [Read more…]

February Children’s RE Update

In January, the children participated in the New Member Service by making a banner saying “Welcome to Our Fellowship”  and by singing “Make New Friends but Keep the Old”.   They enjoyed being part of the service and the adults enjoyed their contribution. In February, the services for children will continue to focus on “Standing on … [Read more…]

February 2015 Executive Committee Meeting

In attendance: Lynda Smith, Paul Patton, Jeremy Bowman, Michael Pistrui, Daniel Williams, Barb Harrison, Patrick Gordon, Jackie Warmke, Lois Whealey, Laura Mitchell, Roberta Roberson, Natalie Barman Call To Order: 12:10 Leadership Covenant read by members Review Prior Minutes: Motion to accept: Jackie, Seconded Natalie. No opposition. Minister’s Report: Don Rollins to preach here in May. He is also … [Read more…]