UUJO Annual Justice Assembly 2017

“Strength for the Journey: Expanding Our Skills, Engaging Our Spirits”​ Saturday, October 14 10 am – 4 pm   (check in and on-site registration at 9:30 am) ​Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) 3081 Columbus Pike, Delaware OH  43015 (once on campus, follow signs to “The Centrum”) Registration is on a sliding scale from $25 to … [Read more…]

Torda450 – Celebrating the Anniversary of Religious Tolerance

On January 13, 2018, one of the world’s first statements of religious tolerance will have its 450th anniversary. In 1568, in the city of Torda, in what is now Romania, a religious gathering presided over by Unitarian King John Sigismund proclaimed: “In every place the preachers shall preach and explain the Gospel each according to his understanding of it, and if the … [Read more…]

Support the Promise and the Practice of Our Faith Campaign

Imagine what our faith would look like if we upheld and centered the history, the perspectives, the voices, and the leadership of Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists… The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith Campaign is our opportunity to take the lead as a faith denomination in addressing our history of upholding white supremacy.  Together, we can collectively work to dismantle it and amend a long broken … [Read more…]

Greensheet Up and Running

Looks like the Greensheet notices are making it out again. I am still working on the formatting and such. I had to disable and remove our old software as it wasn’t working and add in a new system. Hope we can still use this service. Some of you will still receive a paper Greensheet at … [Read more…]

UUFA Board Meeting August 5, 2017
 Draft Minutes

Present: Patrick Gordon, Wenda Sheard, Fred Snell, and by conference call Fred Woodley. Absent: David May, Kate Mitchell. Also in attendance: Barb Harrison Quorum determined—(We have 2/3rd of our at-large members). Motion to approve minutes of July 8th board meeting by Wenda, seconded by Patrick, unanamously approved. RE person Wenda read her minutes of the … [Read more…]

UUFA Needs Board Members

Please consider joining our board. We have the following two positions open: Open At-Large Position for ONE YEAR to serve the remaining year of Jazz Armstrong’s position: * At-Large Representatives –  there are Four At-Large positions within the Executive Committee. Each representative serves a two year term on a rotating basis so that there are never … [Read more…]

GreenSheet, May 21-27, 2017

**Upcoming Events** UUFA Work Day Saturday, May 20, 2017,  10 am to whenever Top projects will be: 1. spread parking lot stone 2.  Work on new office 3.  build small concrete ramp for end of sidewalk to kitchen 4.  Install new fireplace screen 5.  general grounds cleanup. 6.   Any favorite project of attendees. All help and good … [Read more…]

Greensheet, May 14-20, 2017

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: Flower Communion Sunday, 11am-noon with Rev. Don Rollins Social Action Committee Meeting Tuesday, 7pm Facilities Committee Meeting Thursday 7pm **Announcements** Pastoral Care Our contract minister, Don Rollins, is available for pastoral care telephone calls and time sensitive issues via his cell (740-988-7834) or by email (donaldlrollins@gmail.com). Please note the letter l (as in lantern) between … [Read more…]

Greensheet, May 7-13, 2017

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: UU White Supremacy Teach-In Sunday, 11am-noon For info see: http://www.blacklivesuu.com/uuwhitesupremacyteachin. Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, 6:30pm Executive Committee Meeting Friday evening **Announcements** Calliope Feminist Choir 2017 Spring Concert: Still I Rise! with special guests Laura Nadeau and Otis Crockron Saturday, May 6, 7:30 pm Sunday, May 7, 4:30 pm Arts West, 132 W. State … [Read more…]