UU Bulletin: Love Resists

The Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee are excited to launch Love Resists, a joint campaign to protect both the values of our democracy and the humanity and rights of individuals and communities most at risk. Since the election of President Trump, more than 860 clergy members, 40% of UU congregations, and … [Read more…]

Greensheet, April 30-May 6, 2017

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: Beltane Sunday, 11am-noon Programming Committee Meeting Tuesday, 7pm **Announcements** Calliope Feminist Choir 2017 Spring Concert: Still I Rise! with special guests Laura Nadeau and Otis Crockron Saturday, May 6, 7:30 pm Sunday, May 7, 4:30 pm Arts West, 132 W. State St., Athens A reception follows each concert. General admission sliding scale … [Read more…]

Greensheet, April 23-29, 2017

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: Earth Day Sunday, 11am-noon **Announcements** Calliope Feminist Choir 2017 Spring Concert: Still I Rise! with special guests Laura Nadeau and Otis Crockron Saturday, May 6, 7:30 pm Sunday, May 7, 4:30 pm Arts West, 132 W. State St., Athens A reception follows each concert. General admission sliding scale $10-$30; limited income $2-10. … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 3/26/17-4/1/17

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: UUSC Justice Sunday Sunday 3/26, 11am-noon **Announcements** Pastoral Care Our contract minister, Don Rollins, is available for pastoral care telephone calls and time sensitive issues via his cell (740-988-7834) or by email (donaldlrollins@gmail.com). Please note the letter l (as in lantern) between Don’s first and last names. Please Submit Announcements To be sure … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 3/19/17-3/25/17

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service: Spring Equinox/Ostara Sunday 3/19, 11am-noon Social Justice Movie Night Saturday 3/25, 6:30-8:00pm In this fierce call to action, director Ava DuVernay effectively doubles down on both educating her viewers and inspiring them to take a stand against racial injustice in 2016 America. Hoping to provide a semblance of political balance to her efforts in 13th, DuVernay asserts that both Democratic … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 3/12/17-3/18/17

**Upcoming Events** Pamphlet Series Sunday 3/12, 10:00am Rev. Don is offering an adult discussion group prior to his next three services at UUFA. The “curriculum” for our discussion are select pamphlets on UU views such as God, UU history, UUism, etc. The dates are 3/12, 4/9 and 5/14. We’ll start at 10:00 sharp. Everybody’s welcome! … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 3/5/17-3/11/17

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service Sunday 3/5, 11am-noon [no description submitted] Programming Committee Meeting Tuesday, 7pm Review and planning of Sunday services. Contact Roberta Roberson for information. Executive Committee Meeting Friday, 6pm Where the decisions get made; open to the congregation. Contact Jessie Roberson for information. **And Another Thing… (from Rev. Don Rollins)** Hello, all. I’m … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly 2/19/17-2/25/17

**Upcoming Events** Sunday Service Sunday 2/19, 11am-noon [no description submitted]   Social Justice Movie Night Saturday 2/25, 6:30pm In this fierce call to action, director Ava DuVernay effectively doubles down on both educating her viewers and inspiring them to take a stand against racial injustice in 2016 America. Hoping to provide a semblance of political balance to her efforts in 13th, DuVernay asserts that … [Read more…]