Greensheet Weekly, 10/23/16-10/29/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Sunday Service with Rev. Don Rollins Sunday, 11:00am-noon **Announcements** Crop Walk Sunday October 23, 2pm. The annual interfaith Crop Walk on the bike path will be held Sunday afternoon October 23 at 2 PM. Crop Walk raises money to help provide food and clean water; a quarter of the dollars raised … [Read more…]


***This Week at the UUFA**  Sunday Service: The Sixth Principle and the United Nations Sunday, 11:00am-noon Ann Cooper Chen will present on the current status of this institution Executive Committee Meeting Friday, 6:00-7:30pm UUFA Women’s Retreat Friday October 21, 6pm to Sunday, October 23, 10am; Wenda Sheard’s House- 13499 Dutch Creek Rd $30 registration cost. 11 … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 10/9/16-10/15/16

***This Week at the UUFA**  Autumn Work Day Saturday, October 8, 10am-6pm Project List: 1.    Finish RE room ceiling (drywall and paint) and install 3rd light 2.    Clean gutters 3.    Build walls, install door and wiring for new office 4.    Spread parking lot stone 5.    Repair and winterize memorial fountain 6.    Repair toilet paper dispenser(s) … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly 9/25/16-10/1/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Sunday Service: Why God is a Baseball Fan Sunday, 11:00am – 12:00pm with Rev Don Rollins   **Announcements** Sustainability Films at the Athena The fall film series on sustainability has begun at the Athena Theater. See the poster at the Fellowship for coming films, on Wednesdays. Featured Sept 21 were … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 9/18/16-9/24/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Social Action Committee Sunday 10:00 Sunday Service: Ojibwe Creation Story and the Seven Teachings Sunday, 11:00am – 12:00pm Lois Gladchild will introduce us to the First Nations teachings of the Ojibwe peoples and their spiritual path. Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, 6:30pm Annual Planning Meeting  Saturday, 9:00-noon; Robersons’ house; all welcome **Announcements** UUFA Women’s Retreat … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 9/10/16-9/16/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Social Action Committee Sunday 10:00 Sunday Service: Ingathering Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm “The kick-off of the church year for many UU congregations. Some congregations include the Water Communion ritual in this service. This ritual involves congregants who have brought small amounts of water to the service, taken from special places … [Read more…]


***This Week at the UUFA** Nice Stuff Sale Saturday,  8am-1 pm, at the City Swimming Pool Shelter This sale benefits the UUFA Endowment Fund, the interest from which will be used to keep our building in good shape in the future. Please look around your house for nice stuff and ask your friends and neighbors if they … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 8/28/16-9/3/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Sunday Service: No More Fake Fights! Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm For those who missed it,  Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd and Dr. Glenn Thomas Rideout presented a powerful Sunday morning GA. Those of us who experienced it thought that we should share it with all members of the UUFA. Nice Stuff Sale The … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 8/21/16-8/27/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Sunday Service: Renewing the Covenant: Transformation of the Congregation from Membership to Mission Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm A growing movement in the UUA is the idea of aligning the church with its mission and the congregation with its covenant. Explore this exciting new idea that takes UU out of the Sunday morning box … [Read more…]

Greensheet Weekly, 8/13/16-8/20/16

***This Week at the UUFA** Social Action Committee Meeting Sunday, 10:00am Sunday Service: Pass the Peas! Coffee House, Potluck, and Discussion Sunday 11:00am – 12:00pm A morning dedicated to fellowship, community, and discussion of events, ideas, and UU principles with minimal service. Join new friends and old for this new style event coupled with our traditional monthly potluck. Finance Committee … [Read more…]