Pledge Drive 2014

Our annual pledge drive will kickoff on April 6th. Be sure to come out for the Cakewalk—but be sure to fill out a pledge form. These pledges help us to plan our budget for the year. Come out and show your support!

Seed Home with Kev Polk (Sunday, March 30)

It is impossible to overcome injustice while living in ways that promote it. Unfortunately, we are causing the worst global mass extinction since the one that killed the dinosaurs, and we can’t begin to slow it until we cut our consumption by at least 90%. For most people, this would require unimaginable sacrifice and tinkering. … [Read more…]

Calling All Bakers!

Join us April 6th for our annual Cakewalk immediately following service! This fundraiser kicks-off our pledge drive for 2014. The funds raised from this event help to keep our fellowship going during the transition from the old fiscal year to the new. If you would like to contribute a cake or other edible delights, please … [Read more…]

UUFA Selects Congregational Study Action Item

During the service on Sunday, March 16, our congregation voted to endorse the CSAI on Escalating Inequalty. Our UUA delegates Laura Mitchell and James Frame will be tasked with carrying this to General Assembly this June in Providence and casting our vote.

General Assembly 2014: Love Reaches Out

Registration and housing are now open for General Assembly 2014 in Providence, RI. The meeting will take place June 25-29, 2014. The month of March is when individuals can apply for scholarships and to be volunteers. In addition, this year congregational presidents who attend will receive a $100 rebate. Learn more at

Drone Teach-In at WSUUC

Drone technology has recently come to the public’s attention. What are its capabilities and consequences? Please join The Imagine Peace Task Force, part of the Justice Council at West Shore UU Church, in a Drone Teach- In, Saturday, April 5th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Westshore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., … [Read more…]

Sunday Service – March 2, 2014: Escalating Inequality

This topic is up for a vote as a Congregational Study Action Issue at the 2014 General Assembly. Upward mobility—the American Dream—has become a myth. Concentration of wealth and power has skyrocketed. King’s dream of justice and equality has fractured. Half of all Americans are impoverished or struggling, as the middle class shrinks and billionaires … [Read more…]