CERG YouTube Channel
Looking for videos of live workshops or webinars? Check the CERG YouTube channel. Most workshops and webinars we record are uploaded here once they are edited for viewing. Visit it at www.youtube.com/cerguua1
Looking for videos of live workshops or webinars? Check the CERG YouTube channel. Most workshops and webinars we record are uploaded here once they are edited for viewing. Visit it at www.youtube.com/cerguua1
The OMD UU Young Adult Network (OMDUUYAN) plans programming for young adults (18-35) throughout the year. Their spring conference will be held May 30-June 1 at the UU Congregation of Erie. Details are available at www.ohiomeadville.org. In addition, this year OPUS, the continental gathering of young adults will take place in the OMD. Details and … [Read more…]
Registration and housing are now open for General Assembly 2014 in Providence, RI. The meeting will take place June 25-29, 2014. The month of March is when individuals can apply for scholarships and to be volunteers. In addition, this year congregational presidents who attend will receive a $100 rebate. Learn more at www.uua.org/ga
Drone technology has recently come to the public’s attention. What are its capabilities and consequences? Please join The Imagine Peace Task Force, part of the Justice Council at West Shore UU Church, in a Drone Teach- In, Saturday, April 5th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Westshore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., … [Read more…]
This topic is up for a vote as a Congregational Study Action Issue at the 2014 General Assembly. Upward mobility—the American Dream—has become a myth. Concentration of wealth and power has skyrocketed. King’s dream of justice and equality has fractured. Half of all Americans are impoverished or struggling, as the middle class shrinks and billionaires … [Read more…]
Good Morning UUFA Community, I hope that you can join us for our annual meeting on this Sunday, February 23 at NOON. Members received the annual meeting packet via mail earlier this month which contains the information we will discuss on Sunday. Some highlights for this year are; 1) Minister Search Committee Report 2) Elections … [Read more…]
So after a month of standing on the side love, where do you find yourself standing ? With whom will you stand amd on what ground ? Service Leader: Pat Gordon
The Facilities Team has scheduled Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 as our Winter Work day at the Fellowship. Our current plan is to clean out the first room in the downstairs and make it a meeting room; cleanup of the kitchen; general fellowship cleaning; working on the restrooms. Have any other requests ? We hope to … [Read more…]
The OMD Board and Staff request on behalf of the UU Congregation in Charleston, WV for congregations to please take up a special offering, Share the Plate, or announce the need for donations to assist in supporting those affected by the Freedom Industries Chemical Spill in Charleston, first detected January 9. The UU Congregation in … [Read more…]
Sunday Service January 26, 2014 Thirty Days Standing on the Side of Love. Week 2 Upward mobility—the American Dream—has become a myth. Concentration of wealth and power has skyrocketed. King’s dream of justice and equality has fractured. Half of all Americans are impoverished or struggling, as the middle class shrinks and billionaires take the profits. … [Read more…]