CERG Regional Youth Con

The youth of the Central East Regional Group are planning a youth con for February 14-17, 2014. This is an opportunity to meet others from around the regional and learn about similarities and differences in con structures. For details visit http://www.cerguua.org/index.php/cergevents-1875/545-youthcon.html

Looking for Youth Trainings?

There are several youth trainings on the calendar for this year – Becoming a Leader for Jr High Youth is happening in Rocky River on January 11-12. Peer Chaplain Training and a Spirituality Development Conference will be offered in Cleveland at the same time – January 31-February 2. For this one you must choose which … [Read more…]

Service canceled

Due to weather conditions and potentially bad road conditions going home, service is canceled for today, December 8th.  Stay safe, warm and dry!

Upcoming Sunday Services

Nov 24th, 2013 UUSC Guest at Your Table Program. Lois Whealey will talk about this year’s Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Guest at Your Table program–an annual tradition in which congregation members learn about people with whom the UUSC is working. This year, GaYT features people who have empowered others to realize their human rights.  By … [Read more…]

UUFA Choir to Carol at Lindley Inn December 17th

The UUFA Choir is set to do some old fashioned, holiday caroling at The Lindley Inn on Tuesday, December 17 at 6:00 p.m. If you’d like to join us please do and feel free to rehearse with us at our Tuesday rehearsals , 7:30 at the Fellowship on Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10th.