UU Executive Board Updates for November 2013

The Executive Board had another productive meeting on Nov. 12th. Thanks to all board members and leaders who attended to engage in the discussion. Here are some informational highlights covered at the meeting. * UUFA to conduct monthly special collection for Athens County Food Pantry on Potluck Sundays. Our own Charlie Barman , Athens County … [Read more…]

Ohio-Meadville Events of Interest

Multicultural Training The OMD is please to offer Building Capacity for Authentic Diversity on January 11 at the UU Fellowship of Wayne County with Rev. Renee Rutchotzke and Evin Ziemer. This training is for leaders to learn how to build relationships effectivity across differences including ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, gender and more. It is ideal … [Read more…]

Youth Group Reconstitutes!

The youth program has started up again this month. We’ve created our covenant and began discussing issues of relevance to social justice and the importance of organizing for change. This coming month we’ll be learning more about important entities on the national level (such as the ACLU) and the local (such as UCM, Rural Action … [Read more…]

Crop Walk Report

This year the fellowship had five people walking representing 15 donors for a total of $392. It was a gorgeous fall day to walk. A few more pledges should be coming in that will raise an additional $100 for the Athens County Food Bank. Thanks to everyone for their support!

UUSC Doings

by Lois Whealey UUSC has vastly expanded its sales items. Google http://www.shop.UUSC.org/ , and “Choose Compassionate Consumption” will come up. A bar at the top of that page presents choices for purchase; click on holiday cards and gifts, eco-apparel, fair foods, justice jewelry, etc. Guest at Your Table is a traditional funding program for the Unitarian Universalist … [Read more…]